GAT2 ★ Baka Alliance ★


Starfish-Power ruler
@ dood... yes i can.. or wouldn't u realize in your dream that it definitly has to be a dream when a dino is walking down the street?? the fact that u don't realize it only that u enjoy the dream to a point where logical thinking is not possible anymore
[quote name='"pangary' date=' post: 47926"']I hate those physiological talks[/quote]srry dood but the talk and topics has dropped drasticly in here so i decided to try something new to lure out some commentsunfortunatly aurora dood was the only one who caught me groove :confused:


Starfish-Power ruler
frank... just be quiet and watch some stuff...XP jk jkwell it seems to be calculated but what if the calculation itself is not as calculated... is the whole calculation the not running as calculated?