Boys vs Girls Round 1!!!

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Super Moderator
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Thank you I'd like to stand a chance against you all TT^TT

8huggs back* yes 5 TT__TT Physics math English Latin and Biology and I tell you only English is the easy one next week TT__TT


Super Moderator
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Yup yup I can say I'm good at English :3

I even get to do an English exam at Cambridge woohooo 8D (that on is at 15th of June ^^" and I get the results of my finals 16th of June XD ahaha so close to eachother XD)

Thank you azn I hope you ace your last exams tomorrow!


Super Moderator
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Uhm no I dont think so :( well maybe I 'lll go to England this summer with a friend of mine :) then I can visit London I suppose :) been there before though ^^" and its not sure if we'll be going either ><

I go to England to Cambridge and then make exam and go back >_< no free time or whatever ^^"

oh no wait the results of the Cambridge exams will be later ^^"

The results I get on the 16th of June are the results of the exams I'm making at the moment XD


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Aww that's a shame..... T-T

I'd like people to visit me over here, cos in terms of time-zones I'm all alone!! Wah!!! :cry2:

But if you can that would be great! :p

I see... Btw, how many exams in total did you say you were doing again? Nine??


Super Moderator
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Yup 9 ^^" Nine in total~~~

and ehm last year I also had some final exams 3 of them ^^" so if you count those aswell then there are 12 in total... but uhm for the 3 I had last year there are no uhm National exams only School exams and the Nine tests I had this week and next week have a Schoolexam AND a national exam so yeaaa decide yourself ^^"


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Oh I see, ah I hate national exams, they're always so strict and all...

But personally I find them easier than the school exams, what about you?

But yeah, that seems like a bloody lot... Hope you survive~


Super Moderator
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Uhm i'll survive might lose my smile at times though ^^"

Well exams are always btetter than meeting up with my grandpa though :)

Anduhm well for Physics and Chemsitry the national ones are harder for all the rest yup nationals are easier :)


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Yeah you seemed really, really depressed yesterday...

Thank god you're better now~ :3

Oh i see, that's a shame, cos Physics and Chem are probably one of the hardest subjects around :><:


Super Moderator
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Yeah I was really really depressed >.> break down you know kinda bursts out all of it thats why I hate going to my gramps >.> he always makes me burst

I kinda revive quickly ^^ And I swear that if you'd met me in real then the only thing you'd notice I'd be depressed would be because I'd be quiet .__. i'm pretty talktaive and when I burst ai dont talk coz well I either dont feel like it or people would hear it my voice gets broken you see ^^" Well barely nobody notice it when I am depressed which is good but somewhere makes me even more sad >.<

Yeaa so only online people will notice coz I dont really face those people so I can like let go of the facade and just be depressed and let it out >.<

Sorry for being so uhm not ehh nice to talk with at that moment though ><

and yeah well latin is REALLLY hard aswel ^^"


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
I see... I guess that tells me more about you then~

And oh no, it's not a problem at all... :D

I'm just glad to hear you're all better now d^~^b

I know Latin's hard... I used to study it like three years ago D:


Super Moderator
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Eheh I'm still studying it and its hard but I think its worth the effort :3 I love to like solve the mystery behind the latin texts XD

Hmm yeah ehh I guess you know a bit more about me ? Eheh I thought you'd know I'm talkative xD Or you mean the part I'm more myself on the internet than in rl? eehhe guess thats a bit weird/special ^^" but on both I dont always really tell whats on my mind ^^" not that I'd lie but you know just keep quiet unless somebody asks ofcourse then I'd tell. Oh and now don't think I'm some kinda depressed emo person D: I'm okay with it all for real lol i prefer to laugh so other people laugh aswell instead of frown and make others worry ^^ and its not like I feel depressed a lot >.< its not like I call myself HappyNisa for nothing ^^


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Well if you find it fun, it should be ok then :D

Best of luck with that too, cos I personally know how hard it is ><;;

Yeah it is quite rare, but in a way good... Like I guess people can know more about you easily

And the fact you are friendly and sociable is good too~ :3

Cos it's really hard to tell someone's personality on the internet, you know? I personally prefer to be open too on the internet

But there are downsides too. I know you're not like this, but I know a guy who tends to "let out" everything on the internet lol

OFC you're not an emo!! You just had your time of depression, and rightfully so, cos your granddad seems very, very mean... Poor you *hugs*


Super Moderator
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Thank you azn *hugs*

yup I'm an open book ^^" here and in rl well in rl not so much with how I feel but yea

Well i can tell you I'm exactly like I act ehehehe ^^

Oh yeah no I dont let out everything I think I'd even get crazy of myself if i did that.. i cant just empty myself completly I'd be soo empty >.<

Whew okay good we got that sorted out XD he is very mean TT__TT well he can be sweet aswell but...... he...... just.... alwyas......... ruins itby hurting my feelings badly in the end

*hugs back*


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
No worries~ *hugs back*

I personally don't like it when people hide stuff, especially gender, cos I get too conufsed! ><;'

It's good to be cool and open, cos then you can understand others better, and they can understand you better

That probably sounded really corny, but it's true =P
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