Assassin's Creed AG Discussion Thread [Game Over]

Day 2 Long Post
1478 Tuscany

He was sitting inconspicuously on a bench near the town entrance. A crowd of a people were gathering as a loud voice could be emphatically heard throughout the entire area.

“This man cannot be trusted! He is a menace to society and a threat to us all. The Medici have decreed that the number of arms in circulation be reduced, not increased! The people do not need weapons. If you see this man, do the responsible thing and alert the nearby guard!.”

The people were enthralled by his very words, but Ezio paid them no mind. The people he was focusing on were off to the corner of the street. With his heightened sense of hearing, he could pick up large pieces of there conversation.

“Father! What are we to do?! The Rodrigo is dead!”
“Quiet son! You don't know who might be listening in on us.”
“I am sorry father, but our situation is dire. Without backing from the Pope, our activities may be indefinitely delayed.”
“Worry not. The Medici acted without the Pope's consent when they beheaded Rodrigo. It will be seen as a sign of aggression against the Church. We will still receive our funding.”
“But what about our plans? We do not have the means to contact the Barbarigos without Rodrigo around.”
“You foolish son. We need not stray from our original plans. Rodrigo had already planned out everything in advance. Frankly his importance in this plot had long disappeared before he was killed. We shall handle our ends, and the Barbarigos shall handle theirs.”
“And Italia shall be ours!”
“Now go tend to our men. I have other matters to handle.”
“As you wish father.”

The two men split up then. One headed out of town while the other head into town.
Ezio stood up from the bench and began to trail the man heading into town. He expertly treaded a safe distance from his target while weaving from crowd of people to another. However soon he saw his first obstacle. A beggar, a voracious sort of people that will stoop to no ends to beg for money. They would impede his progress and possibly cause attention to be drawn to him. But luck was on his side another man ran ahead of him into the street and drew the attention of the beggar.

Ezio quickly proceeded on his way, trailing his target. The man stopped and began talking to another man. Ezio began to close the distance between them when he heard the man shout.


The man quickly turned his head and his eyes set upon Ezio's white visage.

“Assassino! So you've come for us, have you? Well it won't be as easy as you think. GUARDS!”

Ezio was surrounded by guards, but it did not phase him. He swiftly dodged and evaded their attacks. But then he was struck from behind. He gritted his teeth and sent the nearest guard flying towards the swords of his comrades. He used the opportunity to search for his targets.

Ezio spotted the two sprinting South, towards the Southern entrance no doubt. But soon a guard impaired his view of the men. But no sooner had the guard charged at Ezio that he was struck by a sword from behind.

“No need to waste your time on these fellows, nipote. My men shall handle them.”
“Thank you, Uncle. I graciously accept your offer and chase down those men.”

Ezio raced towards a market stand. Using a the crates that were in his paths as steps, he gracefully launched himself on top of the stand. Ignoring the merchant that was yelling at him, he scaled the remaining way to the roof with ease. His sharp eyes could still locate his two targets. They were running, but the crowds of people cheering on the battles impeded their way and slowed them considerably. And even then, a huge mass of people had gathered at the town square. What should have been a large open space for them to use to sprint across turned out to become their biggest obstacle. Guards, fighters, commoners, and nobles alike gathered into that huge mob of people. They were entranced by the beautiful ladies dancing at the centre of the town square.

The rooftops were clear and Ezio closed the distance between himself and his targets with relative ease. The last rooftop soon came into view, thus there was no much more space Ezio could run on, but he knew his targets were barely ahead of him. And so sprinted towards the edge and leapt. With hidden blades at the ready, he landed on two men, piercing them both with his blades. They were his targets and they were on the verge of death as they spoke their last words.

“Why must I die? I am just a mercenary...”
“You have chosen a side, and that side is with the Templars.”
“You damn scum. I wish I could live just so that I might kill you off just like I did the rest of your family!”
“I feel no happiness in taking out my revenge on you. I only did what must be done to allow my father and brothers to rest in peace. Resquiat in pace.”

Ezio closed both of their eyes before heading out town himself. Today's battle was won.​
Day 2 Short Post​

2 players have been injured.
1 player has been wounded.
1 ability has been redirected.
noex1337, Dante Moro, has been killed.
Ataraxia, Francesco de' Pazzi, has been killed.
Shadowolf, La Volpe, has been lynched and is now dead.

Day 3 has begun.


Yea, Its been a ride...
Damn, its a bit scary how strong Ezio really is... I mean two kills in a day?
He better be careful or else he will hand the templars this game by mass-murdering (Though he did a good job today).

And Aker, knock it off. There was too much suspicious around that rolesheet for it to be trusted that no one cared to clarify. You let him get lynched just as much as the rest of us, so don't act all high and mighty.