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  • Might be that her bf doesn't want a girl to love him that much lol :x Some guys are just weird (no offence xD). CONGRATS DUDE! You're engaged to such an early age :D So how long have you guys been together ? :3 Whoa, he sure is a genius @_@
    Eh? I see ._. I for one hate both of them lol xD Cool! Is he of the same age as you? Too bad her bf didn't appreciate her love >_> Your gf doesn't love you that much?
    Wow. So he's a Japanese in the US Army? :O I bet you'll do well in the Japanese Army ;] Oh police too! :D Since you hate criminals. But you did save her life, no? Gee, that's silly of her <_<
    oh ok haha yea i will practice my breathing haha:) and thanks for teh tips:):) and good nite my hero:):)
    its to practice your breathing control the key to get strong in martial arts is breathing one cannot be strong without proper breathing well can but it wont be perfect but that only applies for man for woman with mostly lower psychical strength its very important^^
    hah yea haha but when the time comes and they ask whatare u doing ima say martial arts with my hero haha:)<br />
    oh ok that's good how is ur arm today:)
    lol<br />
    You sounded like one of those yoga promoters just now. xD<br />
    I want to learn dai-chi because it's quite cool that if you could control the wind. And their movement are quite catchy if they are done faster xD<br />
    Btw, do you know that break dancing and those stuffs were originally copied from martial arts xD
    lol<br />
    Why should you be sweating because of them? xD<br />
    It's not like they would harm you or something ^^;<br />
    lol<br />
    Especially the gangsta lol<br />
    They are so dumb that they would point the gun close to you lol lol xD<br />
    But I'm in a safe town, so I have no worry about that~ xD
    Hahah yea I guess my hero but there is no need for u to take all the pain of others its part of life haha:)but I guess a hero like u can't stand and watch the suffrage of others:)
    Haha oh ok haha yea people do change but I'm happy ur still best friends haha I was about to go so something cuse I though they were harming u haha:)
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