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  • Lol, yes I would..Or, any variation of it <3<br />
    Mew, MSN is messing up on me : AVG is interfering with it :(
    Yeah, I wonder what the "cool secret" would be...<br />
    either way, I want to see Zoro fight more! He's like my second fav character XD
    Well said! The flashback is too long and annoying! Everyone wants to see some fight scenes now, and see how much the SHs have grown, damn...<br />
    The Big Three in general are lacking in decent fights as of now... ><;;
    Eh, Naruto's decent but a lot of aspects piss me off, especially individual characters (no names here, but a lot of them have their names beginning with S >___>")<br />
    Yeah One Piece is the best, I agree. You up to the latest chapters??
    I heard that a lot of people started watching it through adult swim... I liked the SS arc too, shame the next ones weren't as good... ><;;<br />
    I think you're right. Either way, Kubo's slacking it atm. Seems like the weak link of the Big Three for me... D:
    I miss when Aizen was the big bad guy, especially when there was that mega-twist during Soul Society, I was really into Bleach back then... ><;;<br />
    Totally agreed! It sometimes feels like Kubo doesn't give two shits about Bleach, the way it runs sometimes...<br />
    Oh wells, hopefully the admin will take care of it soon :)
    I kinda feel that Bleach should have ended with Aizen being trapped. Cos he was the ultimate enemy that no-one could beat. Though I think he might come back... >__>"<br />
    Thing is, Kubo makes brilliant characters, but it seems he can't sustain them very well... There are so many characters that deserve to get spin-offs, e.g. Kon<br />
    Argh the comment's cut off!! FUUU...
    I'd like to see him own someone, but it doesn't seem likely. He's always the one who gets owned, and Ichigo takes revenge for him, damn...<br />
    Yeah, I'm assuming this isn't the final arc (it seems to much like a filler for my likes) thus the last one should have her and all of soul society in it, I miss them!! ><;;<br />
    It's so annoying how the comments ...
    LOL I've noticed that you say "yeah" a lot lmao<br />
    Hopefully... I want to see him in a proper fight, cos it's been too long! ><;;<br />
    It was a real surprised to see Inoue like that, for once she wasn't useless!! XD<br />
    Same here, it's a shame that we don't get to see Rukia much either >___<;;
    True true, and at that stage it was obvious Chad was gonna get owned anyway lol<br />
    I'm glad he's showing up in the latest chapters, I hope he gets to do something XD<br />
    Yeah I know, before she was like the main character along with Ichigo. I prefer her to Inoue as the main female character any day!<br />
    There are a lot of other characters such as Ikkaku and Renji I would like to...
    I see, well I don't completely mind it lol<br />
    But yeah, it sounds like it's worth my time, thanks~<br />
    Oh yeah his second arm was badass! I remember when Shunsui owned Chad though, two of your fav characters facing off lol<br />
    I just wish I could see her more, she's been absent for quite a while ><;; (well, the whole of soul society has, actually)
    I see, I'll read that when I get the time (pretty soon I assume, since I'm on holidays :D)<br />
    Chad used to be my fav too in the first couple of arcs. As of now mine's Rukia, and Gin is my fav male one, shame he died T-T<br />
    Indeed, Shunsui is a badass lol, kind of reminds me of Shikamaru
    Oh I see, it's the one about rollerblading right??<br />
    Sound pretty jokes, haven't read much romance, but might give it a go :)<br />
    Yeah Naruto isn't all that, really...<br />
    But the recent chapters aren't too bad<br />
    One Piece is the one for me, but Bleach used to be my favourite too~ who's your favourite character??
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