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  • I guess you can never really tell. But I would skype with them first just to get a sense...
    i got lost in that game because the map was really confusing and every area looked the same. IT was all dark and gloomy and stuff. I don't really like super violent games either, although they can be fun I just have to mentally prepare myself. I liked one called No More Heroes, did you ever play that?
    yeah, I might, as long as I was sure they weren't perverts or serial killers or something. :P would you?
    not being able to charge in and fight was super frustrating in the first AC. But in the second one it was a bit better, once you got the hang of countering you could easily take out all the guards surrounding you. for shooters I tried playing Fallout 3, it was actually pretty fun for a while but then I got lost and bored... D; so I never played it again.
    no sorry I don't know Spanish (but I would like to). I meant since I've been taking Italian that's how I learned to make that sound.
    I guess not... only through the internet :D
    oh you didn't like it D: well it's not for everyone. I don't really care for FPS games because I have really horrible aim.
    I'm... not really sure either. Make of it what you will :D
    Spanish is cool. I'm just now getting the hang of trilled R's but it took me a long time ^^
    Oh, I know them mostly from classes, both from high school and college, some met through mutual friends.
    Well, Kingdom Hearts is an RPG with characters from Disney and Final Fantasy in it... sounds horrible from that description but it's actually really good. AC3= Assassin's Creed 3, but I don't think it's been officially announced yet, they just keep doing sequels/spin offs to the second main game in the series. So what are some of your favorite games?
    hehehe I'll just say it involves you, me, handcuffs, and some bad fanfiction :D
    only two... English and...?
    I don't meet too many people because I'm pretty shy. Half nerd? like you only wear half a pair of glasses (or a monocle)? :P yep, I need them for driving and such.
    yeah, fighting games are not my forte but I insist on playing them anyway. Still waiting for the REAL Kingdom Hearts 3 too, and AC3 with a new main character ><
    That still does't make it seem fair to me... xD

    Music, I'm listening to it right now, lol. Well let's see I listen mostly to pop, rock, alternative, dance/techno~ You? :D
    hmmm okay fine. But what if I make you an offer you can't refuse?
    It is the study of languages, or rather the study & attempt to describe the patterns underlying all languages. At various points in my life I have studied Hebrew, French, Mandarin, Italian and Japanese. but I wouldn't say I'm fluent in all of them. After doing linguistics in English sometimes I feel like I don't even know English anymore. Have you studied other languages?
    Yeah, it was funnny we still laugh about it. It really does take courage to chat up random people on the street, it can be entertaining but I find that usually the kind of guy I would rather meet is the kind who wouldn't do that :P I'm a nerd because... not really sure actually. I like nerdy things, I get excited about school, I wear glasses and am socially awkward.
    not a true gamer? What sort of high standard do you ascribe to that term then? I like rpgs, especially strategy/tactics, also some platformers, racing games, and fighting as long as they're not too hard (i.e. easy enough for a 6 year old.)
    It's a long story man... I'll tell you if you want though, I guess
    Nothing much, just been playing games and stuff. And you?
    er... I want to stalk you on MF too >.> but I don't know your name there.
    anyway, thanks! I majored in Linguistics, to me the most awesome subject evar. ^^
    well, I have some weird stories about that. First, when I'm out with my friend, and just walking on the street, inevitably groups of guys come up to us and ask us, 'so where are the cool places around here?' And of course we don't know because we are nerds. One time some guys from New York stopped us and asked us this, and then tried to chat us up, which culminated in them asking if me and my friend were lesbians on a date (we were not). So yeah... stuff like that. Also one time we were at this really awful, sleazy bar and some old dude came up to us and tried to get us to dance with him, but it seemed his only dance move was to gyrate his hips. blergh.
    hmm, I want to ask you more. I can't remember if I've asked you, do you like to game?
    Aw, lucky and not fair! D< :P

    Haha, I could, but my parents are tight on money. I'd rather them keep it then give to me for any reason to use on something that I don't really need. :3
    no its ok don worry^^ i see as for me i was trained by my grandfather especially since iam the oldest son you see my grandfather is the old fashioned type men must be strong like that so its a must for the men of the house to learn martial arts and it seems i have talent for it so he taught me earlier then even my father but i don hate it^^i love martial arts especially kenjutsu
    if I give permission to stalk it's not really stalking, is it? hmm... I'm from the US too, a student up until recently, since I graduated and now I'm on break. so what do you do instead? do you have a job?
    they're creepy for various reasons. Some of them are crazy and homeless, others just stare for too long or make weird comments and try to chat me up. How come you don't go out much anymore?
    You can take pictures with the newest version of the iPod! D< I want it now, lol, and no I sadly can't take pictures with my iPod. T^T

    Well my parents do have a desktop and laptop but the desktop is really old and freezes over a lot while the laptop my parents use for personal reasons. All I have is my iPod. ;--;
    Basically the protagonist owl masters flying, but it was in slow-mo and totally cliche, really funny XD

    Sorry for the late reply, I just realized I put it on my own wall :/
    lol just go on MF and find the user 'ezh'. that's me. hmm, I want to ask, where are you from? And are you a student?
    eh... actually yes. I am shy and reserved so I don't really meet too many people. Just walking around town lots of creepy people...
    not sure. wait patiently and the answer may come to you... young grasshopper o_O Yes, everyone hides things. it's always surprising to find out more about people. but maybe I should ask more about you?
    ooh I love netflix :D that movie sounds good, I will add it to my queue.
    yes, maybe that little, just have to stay safe while I'm out or if I'm somewhere where I don't know too many people.
    maybe... not really. all my secrets have been revealed if you know where to look. you do seem like an open person though :)
    I haven't seen any movies in theatres recently that I can remember. I did see the King's Speech a while back, it was really good. What was Biutiful about?
    Don't know about when someone tries. Probably the same or less since I wouldn't want to be impaired while on a date so I just say when I've had enough :D
    no, I must leave something to be coy about. What about you? Don't you have any secrets?
    I have heard of that series, I actually read Interview with the Vampire a long time ago, it was good. As for movies, I just meant any, based on books or not.
    yes I am, but look at it this way, it costs less for me to get drunk! XD how many does it take you? or is it just enough not to remember exactly how many you've had?
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