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  • Rawr, connections. You're treating this member - mod thing too seriously. I'm not surprised if you came from MF, but seriously, everyone just wants to be treated equally, and it makes me so rawrishly sad when I'm treated as an admin. I mean, I still socialize with people like I did before, but the only difference being, now I have work to do /sademmie
    Rawr, power corrupts, I hope it doesn't happen here anytime soon. One of the reasons I quit MF afterall. Anyway, to be crystal clear, maybe one of you Nexus guys you like to become a mod to keep a check on everything? I mean, that's your purpose, isn't it? Just a heads up, not much of modding, and definitely no policing is present here, since this is a rather small community where everyone knows each other. It's rather a far bigger responsibility, since it requires keeping the sections with fresh topics to discuss, making sure the activity is there, mostly by being active yourself, coming up with initiatives of your own, inviting people and other hard work that discourages people who think being a mod is easy. Well, maybe elsewhere, but not here.
    Rawr, that, or you could just tell me and I'd help guys out. Seriously, this is not MF, I kick out those who abuse their power the first thing I see it. Though I admit, I had problems with dealing with Miya, but yeah, she's out as well now~
    Rawr, what is that Nexus about? Oh, and I've enabled your PMs and VMs, since after the conversion they were set to off. Check the "edit options" in your user cp if you aren't missing anything.
    Hey pimp what's good? I was wondering if you could make me a Big L set? XD<br />
    Also, do you know where to read Rookies chapter 193 and onwards? Can't find them anywhere D:<br />
    Hope you have been well brother~
    Hello there... No one's left you a message here in a bit so I thought I would. Seems like you dont get VM too often, unless that stands for something else I don't know about.
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