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  • lol well the only place I would actually do it would be alone in my room, so you can hang on to your money.
    uh huh, sure... I believe that. XD
    sorry, but anything that's inserted has to be clean... Oh no, I just can't help myself, they're as natural as breathing.
    I think my pseudonym would be May Wang-Handler, but this requires me to have one parent who is chinese. oh and my stripper name would be sahara neptune, not that that's a career path for me >.>
    Holy Shit!
    That sounds tiiiiiiight!
    I wish someone could draw that!
    I want to see it in like a drawing!
    You know anyone that can do it? LOL!
    yeah, I know but the point is, those designs are not of my own.
    i need something very original but something as cool as those.

    I'm looking still. Everything on the web is out of the question. I just don't want another bloke having the same design. LOL
    Dude, that is like the tightest. I'm thinking about having a big tattoo like this on the other side of my shoulders.

    I'm just thinking it over now. Also I'm looking for something original but some derivative of Filipino Tribal.
    The Rock's is Samoan Tribal tattoo.:D
    haha ok you should take a break then, but not before I tease your for not being able to keep up. what an impressive paragraph, though. Have you considered writing romance novels? or even racy fanfiction? XD you reminded me of this actually: [SPOILER][YOUTUBE]Gs8LFwViPmo&feature=related[/YOUTUBE][/SPOILER]
    lol I do like a good linguistics joke. This one is anecdotal, attributed to a philosophy professor named Sidney Morgenbesser:
    During a lecture the Oxford linguistic philosopher J. L. Austin made the claim that although a double negative in English implies a positive meaning, there is no language in which a double positive implies a negative. To which Morgenbesser responded in a dismissive tone, "Yeah, yeah."
    OMG lol... that was fantastic :D this is turning into a marathon. don't tell me you're running dry though, I'm only just getting started. Well now that we're down to the bare essentials, let's see what big ideas you have, I'll keep my mind open and we can explore unfamiliar territory. But let's not come to a conclusion too quickly. I admit my gifts are simple but for you they are free since you make me come (down where I ought to be XD )
    lol I've been in the way of that sometimes, I expected it to be a bitter truth but to my surprise it was slightly salty o_O
    I did have fun, although there were lots of weirdos tripping balls on various substances and I had to elbow several guys who got too handsy when asking me to dance... but I found the best defense is to pretend that the girl I'm with is my lesbian lover, although in this case it was my sister! :D showers are fun but usually the water is too cold so the high beams are on the whole time. LOL XD
    Well obviously I already knew about this song, but yeah it's decent. The group is quite famous and skilled, they even did a collab with Will.I.Am
    Yeah, thanks for the vid dude
    hahaha! That was quite an extended…umm… metaphor. sounds like your head gets quite a lot of stimulation in one day, maybe could use a massage and some tlc to help relax .
    I think everyone does have at least a little bit, it just depends how strongly they deny/ignore it. Oh… you may be interested to know, I went dancing tonight and got really sweaty… I think you once mentioned that that was a good thing? but I still don’t understand how @_@
    LMAO I see what you did there. Next time warn me when something's coming so I can be ready to catch the mess :D anyway 1000 years is a long time to wait, but it really builds up to something great.
    You work hard yet the result seems effortless. I think part of your talent lies in eliciting the bad side from others. The IRC is like your den where you lure in unsuspecting women.
    lol you have no idea, all day long I'm prim and proper, then I come here for some...uh... release XD
    but yeah, you are definitely the bad one :P
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