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  • I'll examine the Cherry Thread like a specimen in a dish. If I see that it can entertain me then I might come back and make little shit stoppin big shit poppin. At the moment however, it's just a mess as far as I'm concerned. A mess and a waste of time.
    What's worse is that I have to restrain myself enough to ignore some of the more outlandish posts. Noex my friend I am a scholar. It's not something I can turn off. So when someone says something about religion, philosophy, politics, anything and even if they're joking it's not something I can turn off. If someone says something stupid then I get in that @$$! :confused2:
    Well you might understand my reasoning for not visiting the Cherry Thread then. Even as far as wasting time goes it's ridiculous. It should be more than just random pictures and dumb sh!t about ponies. I believe there is a time and a place for everything Noex and I understand your argument. For me however the Cherry Thread is just ridiculous. Even SPAM has direction. Movies, music, manga, anime, what did you eat, what are you wearing, what time is it and so on. The Cherry Thread is, oh ponies, oh games, oh an avatar, oh someone post a funny sentence, and a whole bucket of senselessness.
    Relax Noex, this is just a little game. I'm actually reining it in so give me some credit. :shrug: I deserve a medal for my restraint. It's good to see you in the Lion's Den though.
    Wow! That is so stupid. Two Thrones was a badass game. My only issue was that the battle against the Dark Prince was just pyschological warfare. They should have had a full scale boss battle between the Prince and the Dark Prince.
    I mean Jake Gyllenhal for f#cks sake he's awful. He is just plain awful. If they were going to choose any plain white guy to play A PERSIAN then they should have gone with Johnny Depp. He would have owned that role.
    That's because they're easy to relate to. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is indeed, long as hell. It also takes a long time to get started but once it does, hell I'll say it, it's almost as good as One Piece. The first two parts are similar to Fist of the North Star but there is a greater emphasis on character development and story. It's takes JoJo a long time to hit it's stride but once it does you're golden. Only issue I had was with part five. Toward the end it sort of fell apart in the last two volumes. Part 6 is pure beast mode though. Turns out my man Jotaro Kujo had a daughter and she's the new main character. Jotaro Kujo is probably the most popular character in the title because he's been in THREE arcs so far, which is unheard of in this title.
    I think what kept Repomen from being a good movie was the premise itself. By the time that movie came out the entire plot had been done about two or three times before. Toriko, Toriko, I've heard of it but I've never seen it.
    Part of the issue/controversy surrounding the ending was that no one knew what the hell was going on. The general concensus is that everyone died and Maka is trapped in some never-ending dream. Some crazy sh!t like that.
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