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  • I'm probably not going to bother at this point. In part because I'm in want of time and also because I know more about History than you do. The Civil War, World War I, Vietnam, World War II were all born out of necessity. The Cold War, pointless and the same can be said of the "War On Terror." Were it not for WWI and WWII the Germans would be running the show. You think America in the 1960s was bad, that's nothing if Germany succeeded and Hitler was able to spread his poison across the world. The Jews would have long-since been killed off had the Allies not stepped up to the Axis for the good of the world.
    1) Like I said before, I understand your argument that neither war nor civilization are necessary and again, while I understand your argument I do not concede to it. I maintain that civilization or rather, the formation thereof, is needed for the betterment of all mankind. I also maintain that while war is ugly it is essential to that. You have yet to prove me wrong in that regard. You cannot call me stubborn for simply having a particular viewpoint especially when you have yet to prove me wrong. Just because you have a view that does not mean I need to subscribe to it.

    2) Concerning the Mayans, Aztecs, and ancient civilizations as well as hunters and gatherers I will apologize. My assumption was that you were referring to all non-western cultures as primitive and that you simply used "hunter gatherers" as an obfuscation.
    I'm still correct however. Just wrong about "some" tribes. "Mesoamerican cultures (Maya, Zapotec, Aztec etc.) fits into the definition of a civilization."
    1st sentence: The term itself is controversial thus giving me plenty of reason to speculate upon the validity of any actual definition. 2nd sentence: The term has been used to refer to human cultures that are complex in terms of technology, science, and division of labor. Native American socities were complex in all of these. This shows how the buffalo and its uses played a part in medicine, tools, and business: http://lewisandclarktrail.com/buffalo.htm. 3rd sentence: Such civilizations were "generally" urbanized. Not all of them were so. General does not mean all Noex. 4th sentence: The fourth sentence is merely used to compare and contrast. Europeans sought ethical reasons to assert their superiority and simply called Native Americans barbarians because their way of life was different.
    "Civilization (or civilisation) is a sometimes controversial term that has been used in several related ways. Primarily, the term has been used to refer to human cultures that are complex in terms of technology, science, and division of labor. Such civilizations are generally urbanized. In classical contexts civilized peoples were called this in contrast to "barbarian" peoples, while in modern contexts civilized peoples have been contrasted to "primitive" peoples."
    Well, whatever. I can't expect someone of your standing to operate on my level. We all know what T.I. said about flawed n!ggas so I expect this of you. Good move calling in Kaze-dono. It takes someone of his level to compete with me. You gave it your best though. Yes you did. Yes you did.
    I'm not being an ass but if you and lexus dominated the discussion then I probably would only have observed rather than participate.
    You act as though you know what you're talking about. Issue is you don't. Any form of unity for mutual gain is a form of civilization. Anyone who claims to be as smart as you are would know that. This is an ongoing issue with you. You claim to possess depth of knowledge when, well, that's not always the case. You came into my threads with that same Noexism.
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