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  • By the time I'm 50, i would have retired from all this and be running some sort of ice cream shoppe at some remote beach somewhere enjoying life and all that jazz.
    My love for Hot Nurses will never stop I'm sure as I will marry one some day. LOL:P

    You've been holding yourself back. Somewhere deep inside that cool feminine facade is a bloody hopeless romantic like I am. The difference between us, I have admitted it openly to myself and embraced it. LMAO!

    Oi, fancy telling me what sort of music you listen to? ;)
    In the beginning when my literature professor back in grade school made me read it, I thought it was all rubbish and my views on Mr. Darcy was outright repulsive. Then the start of that one party gave me a glimpse of what he was really like.
    Deeper bloke with tonnes of problems and certainly longing for someone and that's when I saw a different him. LOL:D
    I guess in some ways his levels were being peeled off one by one like an onion and I found myself in all of that, or rather part of me at any rate.:)

    I guess I am a hopeless romantic monkey.;tongue;

    Oi, me too. I'll posting somewhere and still be crackin up! LMFAO!
    LOL! My most favourite part about the whole story is at Rosings Cross when the letter reveals all from here to eternity. LOL
    That scene in my head gets me every time. Of course I'm a bloody hopeless romantic so naturally I get emotional at that point no matter how many times I read it.
    LOL! Your dad and I had the same reaction the first few times I read the book about Mr Darcy. LOL

    Oi, you start acting like an adult and I will hunt you down and slap you silly. LOL
    Stay the way you are and no one will be the wiser about your status and age. :)
    Hi moi! :3
    LOL, you don't have to put punctuation, lol, you can call me Hana or Liliac instead if u want. :P

    So how are you? 8D
    I do love the entire list including James Joyce with that bloody long boring Ulysses.<br />
    Least favourite is Huckleberry Finn. So degrading but touching at the same time. LOL<br />
    I use to work at Barnes and Noble and wow, I must have bought tonnes of books.:D<br />
    (wish I could get naked at work) LMAO!
    Oh really, that's very funny. Just two weeks ago, I just finished re-reading Pride and Prejudice for the 50th time. LOL<br />
    Oh the nursery rhyme?<br />
    It was to get your attention.<br />
    It obviously worked. LOL
    Besides the usually leadership and self improvement books, I guess the answer is yes.<br />
    I am re-reading the most excellent novel, by Richard K. Morgan called Altered Carbon.<br />
    Detective noire like story set in the distant future where one can live hundreds and hundreds of years by downloading ones mind and memories to an clone. So awesome!<br />
    Of course I look good. Just about like my avatar. LOL
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