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  • ><;;; I'm sorry I forgot to respond to that last one.
    Of course I don't hate you... but you are very emotional. come to spam forums... please? :3
    I really... can't.... believe it. =___________________=''
    bork bork bork.... so from your set I take it you like cats? and girls?
    old enough to know better, young enough to still act like an idiot (early 20's). you're around the same?
    when? and errr if I really did then I take it back! I belong to no one!
    Also I slightly don't believe you. I maintain you're too young for me ><;;
    I.... I am?? Nooo I haven't agreed yet! wait, is this a trap? How old are you? Jailbait? ><;;
    oh I'm sorry that sucks D;
    then what do you do with your time?
    and omg what's with the drooling hearts faces?! I'm so confused @_@
    hmmm... that depends. o.O I need to know more about you. and I already have two husbands here, so you may have to ok it with them :3
    oh wait... you want me to... ehmm.. be your home decorator?
    lol! thinking about my box gives you hearts in your eyes, huh? I'm not surprised... >:3
    gave it away...? how generous. I liked that game too much so I stole my friend's copy >.>

    how about a heart shaped box?


    wait.... i know why you really like hearts so much

    [SPOILER][IMG] You're Xemnas! You want Kingdom hearts![/SPOILER]
    it's California XD
    so... uh... where are you?
    also: [YOUTUBE]Bl4dEAtxo0M&feature=BFa&list=AVGxdCwVVULXfX1c3G6Lx9nTekXei4vACe&index=7[/YOUTUBE]
    no, not at all. I like it but.... :confused2:
    didn't you see the heart I left for you?
    anyway you're called midnight22 because you're usually on around midnight (my time, at least) right? :3
    ehmmm you aren't? =________________________________________=''
    now I don't know what to think. why all the faces with hearts?
    oh well... <3
    wahh?? 22, you confuse me a bit... but I like you ^^

    but I have to wonder:
    [SPOILER][IMG] well? [/SPOILER]
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