Kaze Araki

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  • True i guess.

    But not in case of this guys. XD They are all really unique in their own ways. And stubborn also. :p
    Kaze. Nothing is decided yet. Calm down and don't think about it right now. We still don't know the outcome of it.

    I see your point.And i think it is cos the guys don't respect each other and they don't respect Lex.

    But they do respect you. Isn't that something to be proud of'? Cos i know i am proud of you. Or to say i m proud of that effect you have on people.
    You talk about it like it is already done. Even if you are not mod. You can still create such a thing.it should not matter. =(

    And ok even if Lex will replace you. You should still stay here and debate. Seriously. You have no idea how much of a trigger you are for activity in debate section.
    But Kaze hon. As a debater i haven't seen you react like that to anyone. Even if people where trolls. (and i am not saying he is.)
    You always had an open mind and you accepted that people view things differently then you do. At least that was when we disagreed.

    So how come you can't move on. If lex is involved?
    All right all right gotdammit! These assholes really pissed me off but for you Kaze-dono I will be lenient with them. I will tether my rage, my indignation! For now.
    I don't need you to intercede on Core's behalf and neither does he. He and I go back a little ways and we don't like each other. Not. One. Bit. The only reason I didn't check that bastard in the last month is because I felt need to ignore him. You may not be aware of this but Core always means ill-intention on a personal level. That's how he operates whereas I am concerned. We are night and day, oil and water. You know, I think I actually hate him. I think I actually hate him more than Dori.
    Don't give up being a mod. <.< it is gonna be a waste. I would really wish you guys can get along. =/
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