Recent content by Darkanlan

  1. D

    Broken links

    Thanks Nori, will let ya know if I find any others, hehe.
  2. D

    Broken links

    Went to try to download these series the other day, Guardian Angel Getten, well, it works and then it doesn't, can download file, just the file has no size, instantly done, so, nothing to watch. REC wont open, nothing there to download at all. So REC completely broken, Guardian Angel Getten, not...
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    Naruto Shippuuden

    Well yeah, they generally make things take alot longer so it never passes up the manga, but in this case I think they've jumped ahead two years to try to end the filler process, but instead made things take way too long to be where they should, may have just been better to have a bit more...
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    Naruto Shippuuden

    Anyone notice rather than filler for Naruto now, they've just gone ahead and drawn everything out to the point where you spend 22 minutes watching what should take about 3 minutes instead. Seems to get rid of the complaints about filler, they just decided to make everything so drawn out people...
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    Fate / Stay Night

    Oh nice so it'll be up soon then I take it. That'll be great to catch a hold of.
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    Fate / Stay Night

    That'd be cool, Fate / Stay Night and Flame of Recca are pretty much only series I've been looking for lately and can't get torrents anywhere, so to get one of the two done from ya would be great. Can go into my archive of seen stuff. Currently up to about 2 terabytes of stuff here. Which if you...
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    Fate / Stay Night

    haha its cool, was just wondering what was up when I couldn't understand anything I read, but could understand what was being said in japanese. Actually on that note though, any chance you'll be putting up an english sub version in place of this current one?
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    Fate / Stay Night

    Went and started downloading the series, and found as I watched it that it was fairly certain subtittled in french and no option to change it to english or anything else. Anyone know if that was whats actually out there or something up with the download section. Thought it was weird when trying...
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    Download site

    Eclipse is currently the quickest out with episodes of Claymore, check them out if you want to get them from group that does them quickest.
  10. D


    Good series. Plays off the views of man kind as a whole. Those who fight to protect the world are mostly shunned by the weak who live in fear. Sounds like humanity perfectly portrayed in a sick and twisted series. The powerful make the weak cower and the strong who fight against them are shunned...
  11. D

    The strongest in naruto series?

    By looking at the series, only ones that can really be considered strongest are the ones that are truly holding to their convictions. Very few fall into that, is why they have Naruto sticking to his through the entire series to show him gaining strength through the ordeals he goes through. But...
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    Air Gear

    How the series ended would have to have another season to it in order to make sense, was one of those cliff hanger things. Though alot of series end with that and never get another episode, can only hope more can come than what they've left it as.
  13. D

    Recommend an anime!

    Had posted this on what you're currently watching thread, but realized its fit for recommend as well I've been checking out alot of series lately and so far can say besides some of the older ones. which to list would be about 250 total seen series or more. For new this past year / on going...
  14. D

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I've been checking out alot of series lately and so far can say besides some of the older ones. which to list would be about 250 total seen series or more. For new this past year / on going. Bleach - Shinigami fight the souls that have turned to send them back where they belong and guide the...
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    Dubs vs. Subs

    I prefer sub myself. When you really think about it, the voices that are given to the character are part of what makes the character, besides just their actions but the tones they take. Thats why they cast very specific people to the parts when they make a series. They want that sound to come...