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  • well its a big mall yeah~~
    no i am not an architect i am an officeworker but I help with the planing
    i have pics of it :happy:

    well you i will turn 20 in june =__="
    i am getting old too..
    we where working on it around 8months now
    and there are 3 weeks left till the mall opens :3
    ic ic so you will be an adult soon :badass:
    you are getting old~~ he he~~
    i shouldn talk x__x"
    nope i am not going to school anymore ^^
    well we finised building a mall~
    thats why i am so happy~~
    btw. how old are you?
    still going to school?
    lol dude okay now u lost me xD
    T_____T can 3 months still be called noobie? but i still feel noobish... so i guess yea, man... im a noob. and no ure not a noob. dude.... ure like... PRO! O___O
    doesnt fella mean dude? xDD aka guy... male... man... etc? D: xDD
    no waaaaaaaaaaaay T____T DUDE... ure awesome... if u dont think ur stuff is awesome... i feel like a mouse... T___T
    hiiiiiiiiiii darky~
    haha well... im there... no one just sees me :badass: ^^;;
    i dont really see u on the "Guess the above users gender" thread either LOL
    Ur welcome. XD
    IDK, some person who likes to work a lot. XD
    Hmm, guess first, just so u know no one has guessed right yet. <3
    well thats to bad but its your choice. Yeah still am. It does suck but because of the attention they gave us we got pretty famous as a group on the site. Zero and I chose to use this SG as a base of operations and we can go back and forth but with this our members wont be punished over a vendetta. There is nothing wrong with Zero we dont always see eye to eye but that is what made us friends in the first place. He was just born in the wrong era and area if this was a country Zero would be a dictator and thats the role he does so well but thats not all to him. But because he schooled mods in arguments and has a powerful presence they can do only one thing when words dont win for them and thats use the power they were given and ban him.
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