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  • I see, I did that too when I first had it. I joined as early as 2008, but didn't start posting in like a year
    I heard it's kinda dead there nowadays, which is a shame. I used to love discussing about One Piece there

    Yeah it sure is a nice song
    Btw random question, but... Are you black?
    Oh wait, you got an MF account? Do you still use it?

    Yeah well, I haven't heard it to the end, just turned off the sound as soon as I heard the scream (or whatever it was)
    The song isn't too bad actually, shame I had it on full volume earlier
    Where did you get it from??

    And yeah, I do that all the time. It's gotten so serious that I don't even go on MF any more D=
    And it just happened to be me, since I had my volume on full >___<
    btw, I just realised I didn't reply to your VMs, sorry about that
    This is the one I was looking for!!! I couldn't think of it but there was this incredible DMX song but the only thing I remembered from it was "Where my dogs at." THIS is the song I was looking for. Megaupload here I come.
    Nah, hell no. The few rappers I will listen to are the "real" ones if you get my drift. DMX for example didn't just rap he was reciting poetry. Exhibit A - Stop Being Greedy. And I like T.I.'s cockiness. He has a right to be cocky. Exhibit B - Every Chance I Get. Hate Me Now by NAS sort of encapsulates my mentality so it's easy to see why I recognize NAS.
    It's all good. I'm a guy with wierd tastes. For example, I don't care for most American bands but I like foreign ones. I'm not a fan of rap but I'll listen to J-Rap every now and then. Of course the occasional song by NAS, T.I., or DMX will work its way into my playlist.
    They got a huge push from doing the music for the anime Air Gear. The general reaction when people heard Chain was "Oh shit!"

    These guys are f#cking intense. I can't get enough of HU. While I don't listen to much rap or metal, I actually like the fusion thereof.
    This was their debut song: Undead. I've uploaded the uncensored version. Sell Your Soul which is my profile song is also from them. These guys are balls-out, take no prisoners. Right up your alley Crom.

    I would say I saw about half the series or at least a quarter. I'm pretty sure I know how it ended. It had it's good points but the art was a major hurdle for me. Of course, anything with Steven Blum is bound to have some redeeming quality. :cool2:
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