In All Proability...

From the mundane to the wild to the wierd. List any and all random probabilities that come to your mind. Like...

In all probability... tomorrow I will be abducted by Aliens while bathing in the garden. ;omg;
In all probability I am going to be very successful at everything I will do this year and the next and the next and the next and the next! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I can feel it happening!

The Jest

Beneath the Mask...
All probability huh, ....Well, I suppose this is the only place Ican say this. so I'm just going to finally take out my restrains and say it.

In All Probability, I am going to *Bleep* *Bleep* all of the *Bleep* people in the world of *Bleep* *Bleep*. Then I shall take all of your *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* And shove them right up their *Bleep* *Bleep* and *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* and *Bleep* and *Bleep* Until they *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* so they'll have to *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* and *Bleep* sideways.

Everyone reading this: ::wtf: