General Discussion


You know, I really want to attempt a Homestuck RP...
Just putting the idea out there, see who knows what I'm talking about, and how interested those that do would be.


You can try Choco. Np. However. What is going on with your first rp?
Lack of direction, for me; and an apparent lack of interest from the other two who signed up. And maybe me for the second one, too, but that's a consequence of the lack of direction. Cool setting, but I had no clue where I wanted to go with it.


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Lol for now I have to say Im quite busy for anything T_T I mean I even had to give up the real great idea of Xiga simply because i don't have timefor it T_T same with the Writing of the Forthnight *sigh* I ended up not making it till the end simply coz I REALLY needed to sleep. I had to work all day again. well from 9 am till 5 pm >.> that's the whole day to me tomorro it will be from noon till 8 pm gosh D: it's such a hell working in a icecreamshop when it's such a GREAT weather xD I'm like working full time in there XD but yeah makes me less able to hang around and rp T_T I mean I also got that news editorial thingie going on and the upload thingie and then on youtube I voice-act so I have to yeah record my voice aswell and then I also make a sims series on youtube which means I have to film and edit and on deviantart I'm a contributor to a certain group and I have to check images @.@ oh dear I should never have listed that ^^" now it really does feel like a lot xD why oh why do I need so much sleep D: I could have used those hours of sleep for other things >.<"

Hmm well to keep this thread alive, let's create a character together 8D
Grab our standard charasheet (Name gender appearance personality background) First person to post gives the character a name and gender, second one gives the chara a look, third gives it a personality. then the next one writes ONE paragraph about the chara's past, the next writes another paragraph and so on untill it's long enough. Let's just say it's a character for an ordinary real life rp XD played in a hightschool or something may it be a student or a teacher or even a janitor. we can go on like that~~ and in the meanwhile it might also be a nice practice for beginner rp'ers 8D
Age 16

His personality is a hot-headed who is a coward of his pown shadow. He makes others think he is brave, butwhen thigns come he hide

He likes to sleep with th light on

and dislikes ghost stories
When Lucentio was around the age of 8 years old, he and his friends had been bullied by an older kid, Renardo. One day, his friends had had enough, and they decided that they'd stand up to the bully. Lucentio was too scared to stand up to Renardo, but not wanting his friends to think he was a coward, pretended to go along with them. Then, when they ambushed Renardo in a deserted hallway, after school, Lucentio hid in a near-by closet. Everything had happened way too fast for any of his friends to notice his absence. Within a few minutes, Renardo had whipped all of the kids and sent them running. Lucentio, seeing this turn of events, was about to follow, but unfortunately for him, Renardo saw him and blocked his way from leaving the closet. Lucentio had his back against the back wall as Renardo advanced towards him. Lucentio raised his arms to protect himself, bracing for a blow, when he heard a loud thunk. He peaked through his fingers to see Renardo sprawled on the floor. One of the jugs on had fallen and hit Renardo on his head, making him pass out. His friends, going back to find Lucentio, saw him standing in front of a fainted Renardo. His friends hailed him as a brave hero, not knowing what had actually happened.


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But as the coward he is, he doesn't have the guts to confess his love to her. Besides he is not so good at PE and Miss Takeabreak doesn't like people who can't do sports. Boasting about how he "beat up" the bully won't do any good aswell, because she knows he wouldn't be capable of doing it. Thus he sticks to secretly adoring his teacher (the only good part of PE lessons). His friends didn't know about his crush on their PE teacher, so at his 14th birthdayparty they arranged some cute girl to come over aswell. Lucentio did find the girl attractive but she had to much guts to his liking. She wasn't affraid of anything and Lucentio was affraid that bby befriending her, he'd get busted as the coward he was. So he ran away from his own house when she got too close to him. Later he figured out when he reached the local park that that wasn't such a good idea as now it seemed he had run away from a girl. (Which was true but he didn't want it to be true) He could save himself from his friends later by blaming the hormones and by saying how hot and cute the girl was. The girl in the matter was actually just around the corner when he said that. And so he started his relation ship with the cute but strong-headed Maeko.

(lol Lulu I laughed reading your part XD and a crush on his teacher! my gawd XD)