~Evil Inc.~


Evanasia looked at the boy cautiously. He was polite and friendly. As polite and as friendly as those he had met during his travels. He looked away, snarled, then turned around and smiled, saying:

"My name is Enon Nemus. It's a pleasure to meet you. What is your purpose in coming to this place?"

"As for me, I am here because I wanted to see if what the news said was true. And it was. Looks like there ARE still terrorists in this day and age."

{OOC: There's nothing much left but to wait for Chaos to pick us up, I guess.}
(OOC: @ hadriel and crestham: uuuuuuuuuhhhmm.. yooouu know.. where did that bottle grenade suddenly come from o_o" i mean, there hasn't been mentioned anything about it in the charsheet or the RP and also.. i kiiinnnddaa said in rule 3 that i control the NPC's.. and i needed this chopper for the RP =_=" soo.. please avoid doing it again..? i know that forcing you to edit everything sucks, so i won't do it, but, please, don't do it again ._." cuz now i gotta think of something else to get you guys )

Steve heard the explosion and looked up wha..? who did that..? There was no time t think about it since the police cars were actually getting closer hmph, seems like these guys finally got the guts to speed up.. girls, hold on tight! With that said, steve took a sharp turn to the left. He was too fast though and the side of the car scratched along the wall of a building, crashing into some people as well, before steve regain the control over it and got back to the street. He looked at the rooftops of the buildings in this street and saw her. Steve lifted his hand, signaling her to fire at will.

She glared at the girls in the car before she brought up a large weapon, a Chaingun.. Holding it casually, she pointed at the police cars and pulled the trigger. Hundreds of bullets crashed into the cars, nearby passengers, buildings and the street. It was a literal barrage that tore everything to shreds. After that, a few explosions followed and everything returned to utter silence. Steve drove slower now and sighed okay.. i'll drop you off at my home and amy will take care of you while i go check what happened to the chopper. i THINK i saw someone who was supposed to help us.. on a bike.. The warehouse was now visible and steve smiled home, sweet home~
(OOC: I didn't do anything, meh. I just played along with the grenade thing.)

"Enon Nemus?"

Satoru immediately knew this to be a ruse. The word 'Enon' didn't mean anything. 'Nemus' meant 'grove' or 'glade', yet it wasn't a surname. Still, Satoru suspected that the man must have his reasons, so he did not retaliate.

Suddenly, the events Satoru had observed on his pocket television sprang up in his mind. "Hey," he asked. "Did you hear the news about the incident downtown? There was some big guy fighting police officers, and then he hijacked a police cruiser..."

Suddenly, he remembered what had happened while he was cycling. He had heard the gruff voice of a male earlier, accompanied by a speeding car. Could that have been the police cruiser? He stopped talking, mind swirling with thoughts.

Enon seemed rather intrigued at his pause. He replied, "Well, if I didn't know earlier, I do now."

"What should we do?" Satoru asked.


Dead is the new alive.
It seemed that Ezra was up for more surprises today. Steve abruptly rammed on the brakes of the car and with no further ado he just went up and brought another girl around their ages. This girl however didn’t seem to notice Ezra and Nevaeh, in turn Ezra did not acknowledge her either.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, Ezra whipped her head towards the direction the sound came from. She saw flames and smoke, it appeared a chopper was taken down… “What was that?†She asked to no one in particular. She didn’t even notice Steve’s warning when he took the sharp turn and sharply slammed against the side of the car. “Damn it†She cursed. Not because she injured herself, she didn’t like not being collected.

When she finally managed to sit up again she saw Steve signaling to someone, she looked up and she saw a pretty attractive female holding a ..freaking huge chaingun. She pulled the trigger and there was a literal bullet rain upon the police. “waahh†She said slightly in awe.

The brunette looked back up towards the girl and saw her glare, The f*ck?.

“Your home? Eh.. you are going to leave us with beastly girl?†She said whisper yelling the last part. Really…she wasn’t scared.. she was just apprehensive… Or so she told herself.


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Nevaeh had quietly observed the rest of the chain of unbelievable events. She didn't bother to say hi to the new girl. She was to pretty to her liking and stuck-up enough not to say anything to either her or Ezra. She rubbed the belly of Freedom to keep him calmly on her lap while they raced through the streets. She could feel his excitement and she knew he could feel hers. So as to keep him calm and not jumping out of the car she had to touch him and keep telling him to sit down half between her legs half on her lap. He and her were a covered with a bit blood of the old lady Steve had hit, but she stopped giving to care and almost hoped for more. The blood would prove she wasnt dreaming and it felt so good to have the sticky substance on her. The sticky substance of something that used to be the lifeforce of a perfect old lady, ready to die soon anyway. She turned her head and looked up when she suddenly heard an explosion. She got dragged out of her obssession of the blood in her clothes and on Freedoms fur.

"Okay.. I'll drop you off at my home and amy will take care of you while I go check what happened to the chopper. I THINK I saw someone who was supposed to help us.. on a bike “Your home? Eh.. you are going to leave us with beastly girl?†Beastly girl? He, that's a good nickname for that killerwoman with the massive whatever-it-was that shot bullets to the cops, couldnt make up any better. "Well she seems to know how to handle herself... But you better tell her to only shoot at cops and other people, big boy. Did you see how she looked at us? She seems ready to point that thing she's holding at us." Nevaeh wasn't scared for the girl though, even if she'd shot her, she'd die happily now. And if she happened to only shoot her dog, she'll just take that thing from her and shoot her to so many pieces it wasn't even clear she once was a human. She wasn't sure if she could kill anyone but she was sure that if anyone would touch Freedom she'd be able to even torture someone to death and enjoy it like crazy. She already enjoyed the sight of the corpses and corpses-to-be.


<img src="http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i456
Sighning as she walked through the city Lexyn looked around her and looked at all the happy people. As always they made her sick. As she passed a big group of teenagers she saw that they looked at her hair in a strange way and when she glanced to her left she saw herself in a window. Her hair was filled with leaves and sticks. She continued to walk while removing all stuck in her hair as she heard a loud noise. She stopped for a second trying to localise it but continued as she couldn't hear anything more. But when she turned around the next corner she heard, and saw, a car comming at her in highspeed.
beastly..? naaah, she's a good girl, took care of me since i was 12.. even though.. she MIGHT be SLIGHTLY jealous.. you know, she never met other women except for my mother, and she was about to kill her as well.. i might remove that from her database later he smirked, amy was actually the first person he could trust with everything he's got, since she was in fact his creation. Just then steve noticed something in the distance okay.. THIS. IS. GREAT! another one! he drove closer to the side of the road and, when he was close enough, simply stretched out his arm, grabbing lexyn just like that Hey new girl, to make it simple, i wanna crush this world, you gonna help me do it and then rebuild it, the name's steve and these are your fellow members, say hello. he said casually as he placed her on his shoulder, with her upper body facing the backseat. A few minutes later, the car stopped and steve got out, letting the girl go. He looked at his home and sighed ... don't move with that said, he started to walk towards the entrance..


<img src="http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i456
Suddenly without warning a giant hand picked her up. Heeey! she shouted but it was drowned in the sound of the car and soon the man started to talk. She listened and her before dead look became a little more alive. Destroy the world? That sounds fun but for let's see what will happen she thought and stayed calm at Steve's shoulder.

Lexyn looked at the people in the car and nodded slightly at them.

As she was put down she nodded at Steve as answere at staying still as she looked around her.
Steve headed inside.. w-woah! wait! no! don't! AAHH! steve voice came from inside and it sounded SLIGHTLY scared h-hey, what do you plan to do with the chainsaw..?! WAIT! the sound of breaking metal came from inside the warehouse, followed by the loud noise from the chaingun earlier o-ow! ouch! stop it, that actually hurts! n-no! put that rocket launcher away! .. uh-oh.. After a really loud explosion, steve came flying through the wall and slid on the ground till he reached the girls.. i knew it.. he muttered and sat up, looking at amy who came out as well, holding her gun with one hand and a rocket launcher with the other one DARE TO EXPLAIN ME WHY YOU BROUGHT ALL THESE WOMEN TO OUR HOME?! she asked and pointed her gun at his face. Steve placed his index finger on it and moved it aside i-i told you that it was mere coincidence she was about to pull the trigger, but all of the sudden dropped the rocket launcher on the ground and sighed y-you're impossible! gah! whatever! She turned around and faced the girls, namely lexy, sam, nevaeh and ezra. are you coming or what?! instead of just standing around and being useless you could very well already have your powers and be out destroying stuff! steve couldn't help but sigh WHY exactly did i build her again..?


<img src="http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i456
As Steve came out flying Lexyn tilted her head intrested. Something strong had made him fly and she soon knew why. The girl who came out seemed to be ready to kill him any second. This might become really fun after all she thought and glared at the girl for a second before walking towards the warehouse. She walked inside and looked around. She was waiting until her eyes became used to the light and waited just past the door.


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Nevaeh laughed as she saw Steve fly back to the car. "Seems there is something stronger than you anyway, big boy. Who could have thought that!" She jumped out of the car. "Come on, Freedom. We're gonna learn how to have fun!" She really was fed up with the car anyway, with so many people stuck in it it got cramped and she knew for sure Freedom would feel the same. She looked at her dear pet and saw he needed to pee. "Oh, Steve, do you have some place for Freedom to...eh?" She wasn't done talking yet or Freedom already did what he had to do. "Ehehe, oops.... Sorry for that, big boy." Freedom had had the guts to pee over the giant Steve. "Seems he had mistaken you for a tree... Freedom! Bad boy! Bad!" But she couldnt help to find it funny, her dog must be fearless to do that. She gave him a kick anyway as punishment to pee on his host. He started to yelp and kneeled down at her feet as apology. She nod her head to make clear she understood he had apologized and he could get on his feet again.


Dead is the new alive.

Ezra raised her eyebrows, that was really all her reaction when Steve hauled up another girl into the car before he came to a halt. This was turning into a day that she would certainly not forget in a long time. They were standing there in front of a large warehouse. This is the home he spoke of? Ezra wasn’t necessarily impressed by all of this. She got out of the car and looked to the other girls Steve had gathered. Four females roughly the same age. Steve was talking about changing the world. Ezra damn sure hoped this was not some prank or a ruse of sorts.

The brunette girl had to chuckle when she heard the noises that were coming from within. It seemed that the girl with the huge was definitely not happy with the fact that Steve brought four other females here. All of them pretty attractive at that. “Heh, she should relax… The only thing I’m interested at the moment is bloodshed†She muttered to the other girls, though she spoke softly. She didn’t think it would be very wise to get in an argument with beastly girl.

Powers? What powers? This had definitely taken her interest. “wait! What do you….mean with powers?†She asked with barely concealed excitement. She walked inside the warehouse and looked over to the new girl “Name is Ezra†There really was no time for introductions with the speed Steve worked.
Steve was about to lynch that dog, but that would be a bad thing.. so he got up and growled, walking past the girls into the warehouse the chopper can wait, I need a shower he sighed heavily as he entered a small room that was connected to the warehouse. His actual home. a bed that was just big enough for him, a table, a small kitchen in the corner, a wardrobe for his clothes and another door that lead towards his bath. He locked the door and walked straight into his bathroom. After he undressed, he put the clothes into the clothes basket and got into the shower.. He used steaming hot water and just let it rain down on him.. He got the ball rolling. What would he do now..? i've got some members.. amy should be instructing them right now.. i hope this machine works again. Let's hope that the remains of the last guy won't be too disturbing..

Amy sighed when she saw steve walk past her wow that dog right now probably pissed him off for good.. in several ways.. she chuckled a bit and looked back at the girls when she suddenly stopped in the middle of the warehouse. Right in front of her was a small entrance in the ground that lead to the basement. She opened the door and got inside follow me amy said with a slightly annoyed voice.. if it weren't for her creator, she would've probably kicked them out the moment she saw them..


Dead is the new alive.
Without even giving Ezra a reply Steve walked right away. “Some manners†She grumbled. She didn’t like being ignored. She walked further into the warehouse, She was a bit caught up in her own musings when she heard a feminine voice that she could not identify. When she looked back it appeared that it was the girl that gave them a death glare. Follow you? To hell I presume. She thought with a smirk. Though there was a small percentage within her that was actually a teed bit worried. There was no going back now though, and she was definitely not one to hold down from a challenge.

She walked past the other girls and towards the blue-haired woman. It appeared they were going to a basement.
you are the first to follow..? hmph.. amy was annoyed by ezra's mere existence, which was clearly visible in her eyes.. She lazily kicked the door open, revealing a large machine in the room, and 10 people who were tied up on chairs ignore them for now, just do what i'm telling you, get on that machine and place your head on the shining part, even you should be able to do at least this much

amy moved towards the machine and started to type something into the small control while waiting for ezra to get on.. This machine would DEFINITELY change her life forever.


Dead is the new alive.
Ezra could feel the hate burning, metaphorically of course, within the blue haired woman’s eyes. It very clearly read that she was not pleased at all, and to be blunt she looked hostile. How this woman was supposed to help them in any shape or form was beyond her, but she had already taken the leap. No time for any doubts now. She cocked her face to the side and raised one eyebrow, the challenge could be clearly read. Ezra was in no mood to take sh*t from this lady.

She walked inside the place, she hadn’t even noticed the people that were tied up because she was far too busy examining the machines. “Guinea pigs?†She asked although she wasn’t really expecting an answer. She walked up to the machine and touched the cold material.

This was it. She was going for it. She firstly took off her katana from behind her back. It would definitely be comfortable to have it around her back. She placed it against the machine. Ezra didn’t trust any one of them but the black haired girl was not going to let them think she didn’t trust them. It was better for her own sake to let them think she was fully in. “Do or die†her light feminine voice echoed against the walls of the basement. She hopped on the machine and laid her head down, exactly how the woman had instructed.
good job, for a weak, human girl.. she smirked and started to operate the machine this might hurt a bit.. or a lot.. she pressed a button and stepped back. The machine made a weird buzzing sound and the lights shone brighter with every passing second. All of the sudden, electricity started to flow into ezra, shocking her very core. Indeed, a very painful method, painful, but effective. It stimulated her brain and body and weakened the natural limiters that were placed on human kind. It unlocked parts of her TRUE potential.. The torture continued for a couple of seconds, until amy decided to stop the machine get up she said coldly and eyed the girl i'm reading a change in her brain activities.. it was successful she thought silently to herself..


Dead is the new alive.
She was not prepared at all for the excruciation pain that followed. “Aahh†A small pained shout escaped from her lips before she bit her under lip to keep from screaming profanities. She was hurting. Stupid, stupid, stupid girl. It was as if she was being hit every part on her body. She didn’t think the pain would ever go away. She could not make any coherent thought. Ezra even lost track of sense of time. It felt like she was being exposed to torture for hours! Until just as abruptly it had came it went. Her breathing had gone ragged at this point and she could still feel after-shocks going through her body. She didn’t trust her voice, however she did try to sit right up again.

Ezra couldn’t go far though before she collapsed back. And the last thing she saw before she lost conscious was the blue haired woman.

((OOC: so yeah ehm the adrenaline rush + pain + confusion caused her to faint LOL ))


"We'll go after them of course. Why? Because things are going to get more interesting if I can find them." Evanasia thought that the other man would hardly agree to such a foolhardy action.

"Alright then. Let's go."

Evanasia then blinked in surprise, then smiled. Looks like he had finally found another person who wanted to make this world a more interesting place. It made him feel relieved, and less cynical, there were still people who weren't completely absorbed by the system after all.

"Very well. I have a car parked at the previous junction, but the police should have lost the trail of the stolen car by now. We'll need to track them down before we can do anything at all."

Evanasia grimaced. It was easier said than done. How in the world could he track down a single stolen police car?
Satoru sensed Enon's dilemma. He quickly took out his laptop from his haversack. Turning it on, he opened a digital map of the city. Quickly he pinpointed their location and the location of the car when he hear it, then he turned it around and showed it to Enon.

"Here," he said, pointing at a spot on the long road he had been cycling on before. "This is where I heard what I think could be them. They were speeding, so I don't think they turned. However, if they did, the speed of the cruiser should have left tire marks on the ground signalling that they turned. We should be able to find them by following the road."

(OOC: I stated that I put that laptop into my bag in my 2nd post)