What is the significance of the Hogyogu?

A fine piece of jewelry which cause a fuck-ton of problems for Ichigo and company. Now that Aizen's gone, so is the Hokyogu. (Right? RIGHT?) My question is, what is the symbolic significance of the Hokyogu? Any interpretation you come up with, list here. RL, Bleach's world, fucking Hueco Mundo, for all I care. Any and all pinions welcome. :cool2:


News Editor
Hogyoku, the break down sphere. Having the abilities to break down the barriers between shinigami and hollow and perhaps godhood? To me, it symbolizes the culmination of those that attempt to trespass into the territory of God, but as people are flawed, so will the extent of the abilities the Hogyoku has and can accomplish. The power it has was not given by God so therefore it will not grant the ability to become one.

How was that?
Filure is kind of harsh right? After all, using that rational, Jesus Christ failed because he died on a cross. Meaning, if Jesus Christ left a legacy after his death, how much more could Aizen Sosuke leave his own Legacy? :smart:


News Editor
Well, he didn't exactly seem like a person who would have people ponder positively about his legacy. If anything, they might want to forget that he existed.
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