Soul Sanctuary Updates!

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The Soul Sanctuary

First off, let's welcome our new Soul Sanctuary moderator, dark_9tails! She'll be helping out in the section lots more now!

You may have noticed that the Soul Sanctuary has changed somewhat. If it's somewhat confusing for you, don't fret! This thread will run you through the details:

Firstly, the section has a new name! Gone is "Those Who Have Soul", an archaic name from an archaic time. Soul Sanctuary is a shorter, yet catchier name!

Next, some of the subsections have been reshuffled. While previously the subsections categorized contributors into small groups based on what they were contributing, this new format aims to combine all previous five subsections so as to form one coherent unit that is the Soul Sanctuary.

Here's a run-down on the subsections:

1) The Museum
This is where all galleries go. Instead of having to visit each subsection to view galleries of that medium (as was the norm in the previous iteration), now you can view galleries as a collective whole in the Museum!

2) The Community Centre

This is an area where contributors can freely make threads to discuss about themes and topics which will hopefully give members inspiration to create. You can create a thread to discuss the application of a certain theme in all five categories of works (Art, Photography, Writing, GFXing, Reviewing), or you can just narrow it down to one or two. Feel free to create fun and interesting threads as well! I'm sure everyone's interested to see the first photograph you took, or perhaps what camera you use to take your photographs, or maybe even what art medium you prefer!

The subsection itself contains four more subsections: The Plaza, the Request Alley, Tutorials & Guides, and the Resource Centre.
The Plaza is where contributors gather to advertise their works, and where you can go to procure a piece of work from your desired contributor (if he/she owns a shop, of course). The Request Alley is for you to request anything under the sun from our contributors, who will hopefully (and magnamiously) assist you! The Tutorials/Guides subsection is where you post helpful tips for others to learn, and lastly the Resource Centre is where you post any sort of resources you come across, be it some good idioms for an aesop, some stocks for a set, or some references for drawing.

*Note: Each subsection has a certain set of rules and guidelines, so please read them thoroughly before you do anything in those subsections!

3) The Soul Arena
And finally, the Soul Arena is where contributors meet to battle it out for glory. The SOTW and WOTF contests have been moved here, to reflect just how intense the competition is! Other than these two official contests, members are free to initiate competitions and battles as they please (provided they follow the rules, of course).

And that's about it for the changes to the Soul Sanctuary. I hope you'll use the new features with relish!
Work that creativity!

“Creativity is inventing,
taking risks,
making mistakes,
and having fun.”
- Mary Lou Cook

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