Rate the Sig/Ava of the user above you


Super Moderator
Staff member
Ehm a 6 for the ava (it's a cutey and it looks like it's waving, ut idoesnt fit the sig nor your custom usertitle XD) an 7.5 for the sig (letters are hard to read coz of the bg, but i looks VERY pretty)


Urban Cinderella
9 for the av (lovely colors and the text fits nicely too)
8 for the sig (not really a fan of pop out sig but I really like the background, its very well done)


Urban Cinderella
Will I get a lower score if I told you that bishie you're referring to is actually a she? x3;

9 for the av (KAWAII! *dies*)
8 for the sig (color burn ftw!)