Love Crisis

[FONT=&quot]Genre[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Slice of Life//Romance

Era: Renassiance Era (1450)

Location: Florence, Italy

Characters: Medeci Family, Vieri Family, The Pope, Roman Soldiers Leader, Thieves[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Prologue[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Medeci family, the power center for all Florence have had rejoice for the past year. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Their daughter, head of the family and heir to the control of the city has turned the age (16-17) to marry. What an exceptional times have become for them. The Medeci family have been going through surveys along the whole Italy to their friends and wealthy landlords. People from Montecarlo, from Turin and several other regions have come to the assembly to find the best fianceé. Still, the enemiesof the family are trying the hardest to prevent this wedding and the Pope and the Roman Leaders have taken action towards this. At the same time, a group of thieves, lead by their leader is going to do their best to gain the hand of the daughter and defend the Medeci family even if they do not approve the wedding[/FONT]​

Character Sheet



Birth Place:



Biography: [min 2 paragraphs]

Dislikes and Likes: [min 2 paragraphs]

Personalities/Characteristics: [min 2 paragraphs]

Dreams: [min 1 paragraph]

Appearance: [in spoilers]

Any additional information
Name: Lorenzo Bernini

Age: 18

Birth Place: Firenze

Hobbies: robbing for the poor, going to dances and festivals, likes balls (galant dances), plays the lute

Talents/Specialty: Is well-known to be stealthy, can hide well, is almost as silent as a closed mouth. Can climb buildings, good with blades, can ride a horse. He is fluent in Spanish, German, Italian and English

Biography: He was born into a poor family. Being left alone to survive, he dwelled alone through the cities of Firenze until he was found by some crazy inventor and painter: Leonardo Da Vinci. He adopted him as an apprentice, and taught him about painting. He also learned how to draw diagrams and craft inventions. After whole ten years under his tutoring, he left the place and started to work on his own paintings. He was despised at first, calling himself a no-talent-at-all. He was taken my Rafaello Santi and taught how to sculpt and by Niccolo Machiavelli and taught the rules of the world.

All these years, he had seen how the poor were mistreated. He continued to paint what he saw, becoming famous in no time and gaining a large sum of florins for every painting he finished. But, it was Machiavelli's teachings what ringed a bell inside him. He wanted to come with a plan to free the poor from their situation. He started to work with the blacksmiths and created some personal daggers and swords that he would use. He was going to fght for equal rights. His house, a huge mansion was turned into a guild building, where he accepted anyone who wanted to fight for right and become a thief.

He left the place and three years later came back, after studying swordsmanship in the roman army. He was taught by th best, and now knew how to defend hismelf. He continued making paintings, and roughly gathered enough money to buy a smaller house next to the guild. He invited any poor woman in the streets to work as a courtesan for him and promised prosperity and equality as well as the ability to defend themselves. He taught every single member joining how to fight and created a personal army.

Soon, he became known as the Black and white fox, as he began robbing houses, manors, households and taking everything from them. He always wore a black robe with a hoodie that had white laces around holding his quail, daggers and swords. He was always followed by thieves in white cloaks and women, probably courtesans, in black cloaks. He was called the leader of the pack. "The Pack" or the "Foxs' Lair" was soon a rumor being told around every mouth in all Italy. His power had become such that he had faction buildings all around Italy fighting for right. He even signed a treaty with the mercenaries to be in good terms.

One day, while jumping from roof to roof, he saw a girl in a balcony, bored, sad and crying. He felt wrong for her and, using his methods, found out who she was. He started exchanging letters with her, getting to know her situation. At first, he felt pity for her, which started to flourish and become a crescent love. In no time, he was madly in love with her, but he couldn't tell her who he was. So, he told her half the truth: "I'm a painter".

Still, one day he decided to tell her the truth and visit her in his Assassin garments to see what her reaction was...

Dislikes and Likes: He is a person who likes art and beauty. he likes the idea of a perfect world where everybody could be equal. He hates racism and the degradating of his people (the people of the poor factions, courtesans, thieves, assassins, mercenaries...) to people who are bums or just unethical. He likes to believe that there will be times where his people will be treated as equals and be given the respect he deserves.

He likes that his minions and fellow courtesans give him information or materials efficiently. He dislikes that people tend to see him as a wasteless effort because he decides to use his money on the poorer people, while he thinks of them as the greatest people that could've been born. He loves romanticism, while he, at the same time, does not care being called an assassin.

Personalities/Characteristics: His personality is that of a leader. His is quite proud of being a renamed artist and being famous and all of that stuff, but his heart wonders in another world. he loves the feeling of helping other people, of being one with society and not being dragged into a horde of boredom by the high-class society. Even if he is rich, he prefers little things over big commotion.

He is also a romantic. He loves romance, giving little details to the woman he loves, being a poet, making painting for the person he wants to most. You could say that he is a chivalrious charity bringer, although he doesn't care if he has to fight or kill anyone that makes her sad. He is the person who would fight in order to bring equality and love into his life.

Dreams: His dream is to sometime find the right moment to reunite with his love. He wishes to liberate the girl from the Medeci family and marry her. He also wishes to lead the poor into a life of wealth and well-going even if he has to use unhumane methods. He is willing to give his all for the daughter of the Medecis and his fellow poor members

He painted and made sculptures around the Vatican



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Name: Natalia

Age: 16

Birth Place: Venice, Italy

Hobbies: Enjoys playing the violin rather it be for others or a way to melt the stress of the world away, she also enjoys drawing (rather it be of the real word or fantasy world), and a collector of rare jewels and gems (makes her a target for thieves once they find out about her ^__~).

Talents/Specialty: Plays soothing music that will calm even the deadly of beast. Has a sharp eye for rare treasures (can tell if they are real or not). She can be very cunning with words if she needs to be (but mostly genuine).

Biography: [min 2 paragraphs]

Natalia is a vibrant 16 girl born into an unknown family. For most of her life, she lived a party quiet and sheltered life. Her parents kept her very protected from the world around her. She was no one special, but yet she was guarded like a princess. She always wondered why she was treated so differently then her friends. She would ask and ask her parents, but they would always shrug her questions off by changing the subject or making an excuse to leave the room.

One night, on the way back from getting a midnight snack, she over hears her parents talking in den,"Natalia's starting to question everything... Do you think it's time to tell her? We can't keep this from her forever." Sayuri tip toes back to her room and gently shuts the door,"Somehow, I knew there was something more.. " She locks the door behind her and starts packing her bags. With a note on the table, she makes her leave, gently tossing her bags (mostly containing cloths, usual necessities, and some rare belongings given to her) out the window,"Thanks for everything... I'll be back, I just need to find things out for myself for a while."

Dislikes and Likes: [min 2 paragraphs]

One thing Natalia loved while growing up was being surrounded by her loved ones. Rather they be family or friends. It didn't matter o her. Just as long as she had that warm feeling of security, things were all good. Even if not surrounded by her own family and friends, she still found comfort in seeing others around their loved ones. A lover of calm settings, she loved a quiet evening at home by herself or friends and family. Another way she loved to unwind was a nice soak/bath in one of the master bathrooms.

Still being a teenager, she found herself in the middle of high school drama, which loathed. Especially, when she was forced to choose sides. No matter how much she tried to avoid it, she couldn't escape being the one everyone came to when a dispute needed to be solved. She didn't mind, but when she's forced to take a side, Natalia would slip away forgetting about everything. She also disliked those who one thing, but did another.

Personalities/Characteristics: [min 2 paragraphs]

While growing up, Natalia was always the fun loving type who loved the simple things in life.She's the type who made friends pretty easily due to her natural warm nature. Always willing to give others a chance. Even if they were to break her trust. She always believed in second chances. She's also the advice giver amongst her friends who was always willing to listen to whatever problems one friend may have with another.

Loving a sheltered life, she was a bit on the naive side. Which, got her heart broken a number of times and even got her in trouble. She tried her best to always wear a smile, even when things didn't turn out for the best. Always trying to keep things inside regardless of how she was left feeling. Always thinking of others, and barely of herself.

Dreams: [min 1 paragraph]

Natalia's most important dream was to find her true self while being around loved ones. She's a people's person, so another dream would be to help anyway she could. Ever since she was little, she was always offering a helping hand. Even if she knew she was unable to do it. She was always willing to try her best.

Appearance: [in spoilers]: I can't find the render, so I'll use one of my siggies as a reference lol

Any additional information: I'm used to having my characters develope as the story does, so some of the things were a bit hard to come up with xD Hope all is good though ^^