Bioshock Assassin Game

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General Rules:
- Heated debate and discourse is allowed in the discussion thread. If things spiral down to flaming and trolling, go get yourself a cookie and let things chill. Excess amounts of flaming/trolling/etc. will be dealt with extreme prejudice.

- Screenshots/type-shot-ting (PMs Convo’s)/Quoting entire role sheets are not allowed.

- You are allowed to say who you are in the thread; whether the masses believe you are another story.

- In-activity is judged by if you use abilities every day. (Please do so) More importantly, in-activity is up for me, the gamemaster, to decide. Prolong in-action will result me sacking you from the game.

- Do not role gather; you are going to get a lot of glares from fellow players.

- If the unexpected occurs, I will make miniature adjustments according to the situation. No major changes will occur.

- All General rules of the forum apply.

- Keep the spam down; a bit is fine.​
Action Points System (thanks to Frappuccino):
1. Normally, Every player in the game will receive your Role PM along with the Information on how much Action Points you gain each day.

2. Every player in the game needs to use Action Points to perform actions that will influence the course of the game. Examples - - - Moving across the map by 1 square will cost you 1 Point. Attacking people will cost 1 Point. Defending a player will cost 1 Point. and etc. and etc.

3. You cannot "store/stack" Action Points. At the end of the day, your Action Points count is set to 0 then points will be added accordingly.



WELCOME TO RAPTURE: This is our dream. The city has begun to arise. In the 1960's, it started like a joke. "Shouldn't we make an underwater city to escape from our problems?". That was the beginning of something new. Rapture is a city that was built underwater to explore the mysteries of the world, while advacing into a utopian society where life could be great. In time, the city was loaded with machines, attractions they were times of peace. Consumism was at its peak and there were no traces of war whatsoever. Rapture was the perfect city.

During one of the many voyages into the deep, scientists discovered a new species of sea slug that contained a type of genotype that could be used in the humans. This discovery was the beginning of the main industry of Rapture: biogenetics. Scientists discovered that the ADAM, this genotype contained in the sea slugs, could be used to modify the structure of the DNA to cure any disease or problem that arised from birth.

Still the monopoly of the industries came into the game. they began to possess all the ADAM they could gather to create new series of DNA-altering substances that could be used for beneficial uses: PLASMIDS and TONICS. While plasmids gave the user the ability to gain a power (electrical control, fire manipulations, telekinesis, etc) and tonics provide the user physical modifications (stronger skin, faster feet, etc). The industries became more and more aware that biogenetics would be the new world and ADAM was becoming the main currency.

The Biotechnology industries began to use little girls to produce ADAM. As their studies emerged, they noticed that girls had a 99.9% compatibility rate with the sea slug and that by implanting it on their stomachs, they could process ADAM and turn it into its raw state. ADAM was becoming more precious and the little girls began their jobs in collecting it from dead bodies. In order to protect them from harm, they sterilized and brain-washed men and placed them inside underwater suits. This people became known as BIG DADDIES, whose objective was to take care of the LITTLE SISTERS.

Soon, the city's utopia was broken down due to the constant need for ADAM. People were turning into crazy animals that searched for ADAM and didn't care to kill a living creature to obtain it. The city was set on fire and people were dying. While some tried to escape, others stayed and, using the ADAM, mutated into humanoids called splicers, whose objective is to get ADAM.

The years passed by and a group of people were invited to repopulate RAPTURE, not being told what was lying there. As soon as they came, they found out what was waiting for them and their escape route: a bathysphere was destroyed. The people started to look for weapons to fight back the horde and soon they did find out that the splicers were not just there, but they were within their group.

ADAM is the ruling currency in this world. It will be used to buy new upgrades: TONICS or PLASMIDS from the Vending Machine (which is me). Each plasmid or tonic will have a different price and the stock will change daily. ADAM can be collected from LITTLE SISTERS by either killing them or asking them for the ADAM they posses.

WARNING: Little sisters are never alone.


Splicers - Mutated humans that roam Rapture.

Big Daddies– Sterilyzed Humans inside suits that have weapons. They are overly protective and will not hesitate to bring anyone down if thy touch the little sister.

Little Sisters – Little girls that have been implanted with the sea slug. They usually walk to dead bodies or living bodies to extract ADAM from them.

The Visitors– Humans who came to repopulate Rapture and are willing to fight against the splicers to survive.

Rules for Factions:

Victory Conditions and Goals:
1. Any player who does not complete his or her goal, does not win. Period. You will be declared in the loser bracket at the end of the game.

2. If for some reason your goal has become void due to, most likely, the death of a player, than you are allowed to hop on to help another player to complete his or her goal. This counts for condition #1.

- As the game advances Goals will change; however, if you have completed your first or first set of goals, you are not required to finish them. Finishing them will give you power-ups if you choose to finish them.
3. Splicers, the Assassins, need to lower the number of non-Assassin players to equal or lesser than the amount of Assassins in the game to Obtain SupremeVictory.

- You can also destroy every single faction in the game to gain SupremeVictory

4. If you are Little Sister or Big Daddy, the completion of the personal mision will grant you an MVP Victory

PM Protocol:

- As a player, you will send me ONE PM telling me what you want to do for the entire day.

- Remember, ONE PM telling me what you want to do for the entire day.

- That ONE PM will hopefully be titled, >Gundam AG: Actions<

- If you send me one pm for the movement, one for the attack, another one for something else. I will throw fits.

- Suit transfer are to be included in that ONE pm, making it clear who you are giving the Suit to.

- Of course, you are allowed to send me another ONE PM if you feel like you want to alter the action for today entirely.

- "Oh, I just want to change this one little thing." Then you better, make it clear, that exact thing you want to change.

- Finally, you can ask questions in the >Gundam AG: Questions< format. Feel free to ask many questions if you don't understand something.


Question: How will you be informing us where we are?

Answer: At the beginning of the Game, I will send you one pm along with you role telling you exactly where you are.

Combat System:

So, how do you kill people in this ridonkulous game anyways? Well, here's the deal, the killer's in this game are pretty much, everybody who is not a Leader or Commander which will make you fall under the rank of: Soldier

1. Every Person in the game can Attack, Defend, or Support another Human, but the action will take action points.

- You can also choose to Attack or Defend Little Sisters.

- You can also choose to Attack, Defend, or Support Big Daddies.

2. The attacks are separated into Short, Medium, and Long range attacks:
Short Range - Will only hit people within the same area you are in.

Middle Range - Will hit people within the same area or an area right next to them. Will always deal damage to a close combat person.

Long Range - Will hit people from anywhere on the Map regardless of position. Will always hit the target and cause damage unless it is a close combat lurker who is attacking back.

3 . Damage Life Points
- Every person in the game has an item (weapon). These "Items" will tell you what Range Type and how much Damage they can deal. (Kill abilities are in the game.)

- Every person also has 100% Life Bar (there are exceptions). When your suit hits the Zero you die.
- You can replenish up to 25% from the health bar with a health station per day. Of course, takes action points.​
4. Defending a player that is getting Attacked by another player will result in an engagement. If you deal more damage than him or her, you will KILL or Knock your opponent.

- In other words, defending the right player will deal damage!​
- Important Note: Successfully Defending a player completely ignores all the rules on Short/Middle/Long Range Attacks.








































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