Recent content by GhostEx

  1. G

    One word Story GAME

  2. G

    Word association

  3. G

    What are you listening to now?

    FF7 - Costa Del Sol Dance Remix (It's like if Costa Del Sol had a night life XD)
  4. G

    Which will do the best

    Wow, no one has any faith in the Xbox360, not that they is made by satan... The Wii is just so fun! I mean you can have a Wii party no problem, and everyone will get involved. Even your parents XD (I've seen it done) And the price tag, as always.
  5. G

    Online RPGs

    I'm for Guild Wars all the way. I just like it better then WoW, and there's not subscription fees, so you just have to buy the game, and you're set to go. Also, Infantry, that's like a squad based tactical was just recently made free again.
  6. G

    Best Game

    I really have to stick with my roots, Final Fantasy VII all the way, the other FF's are a close runner up. FPS though, I have to go with Halo, just a different kind of murdering fun.
  7. G

    Ugly People

    Well I think you all can agree, that some people are just TOO ugly to get close to. You're walking down the street and you see a man with long, greasy haired, one eye, sallow, yellow eye and face, rotting teeth, bloody cracked lips, hairy ears and nose, unibrow, massively overweight, sweat...
  8. G

    Video games/Voilence

    I dunno now that you mention it, I kinda do want to dress spartan and kill people in the middle of town, I never really thought it it that way. :p I completely agree on the parenting aspect of things, if a child isn't old enough to tell the difference from right or wrong (or is still in the...
  9. G

    Bunnies vs Squirrels

    I think Bunnies would win, because Squirrels are too pre-occupied with each others nuts. XD
  10. G

    Word association

    Gender (Gender Bender anyone?)
  11. G

    Open Ended RP

    Let's get it interesting, mix and match a few animes....What if... The full moon rose over the mountainous horizon, Alucard walks calmly into town, head down, glasses glaring. "Ahhh, what a night..." He says nonchalantly "This shouldn't take me too long..." When suddenly a Ki blasts comes...
  12. G

    Anime vs. Video games

    If I really had to choose, I'd would choose Video Games, simply because they're interactive. I don't know where I would be without RPGs. They can drain 100s of hours for 50 bucks (or free if you emulate) if you want to get that out of Anime, you're going to end up paying hundreds of dollars.
  13. G

    One word Story GAME
