Holy Schnikes, a BEAST has arrived!!!

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[quote name='Chidori']Lol Welcome to G2.....Bobobobobo really sucks btw.[/QUOTE]

Welcome and YES Chidori, I fully agree with you, it's the WORST thing I've ever seen..
Thanks for the welcomes! And don't be afraid to call me beast....I get it often XD

And if by NF you mean NarutoFlow...then yes. And if by NF you mean Naruto Fan...then, yes!

Also, Bobobo = WIN.

You gaise just don't get it.
...because they were drugged?


But meh, anyway I didn't mean it as an insult. And yeah, they're everywhere. I've already had two referals.

Thanks for all the welcomes!

And just for references, I'm not literally a beast, "Beast" is just something to call something that is super incredibly awesome beyond belief. It can also be an adverb or verb.


Instead of:

"Man, that guy just got defeated terribly."

You say:

"Man, that guy just got BEASTED."

Instead of:

"That last game was incredibly difficult"

You say:

"That last game was BEASTLY."

Instead of:

"Saiya-jin is super awesome."

You say:

"Saiya-jin is a BEAST."

Anyone understand now? :D
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