Worst Anime


Active Member
What do you think the worst anime is?

I would have to say the worst anime is Pokemon, and no matter what anyone says. It wasn't good when I was young and it isn't good now.


New Member
well haven't seen too much anime but from the few that i have seen i think Digimon,Princess Tutu,Onegai Teacher are the worst kind... <_<
Okay there are numerious animes out there that suck but the worst of them all End in MON, DIGIMON, POKEMON,BETAMON.......yeah they all suck they are terrible...so yeah stay away from them...oh and duel masters sucks too lol
Mirage of Blaze, Crest of the Stars, FMA,(just of the kids i know, and their emo music thinking they are all different because they are sad, when thats how we all get, its called depression, get over yourselvs(
The first and second series of Digimon were actually quite good... the storyline went pretty deep with the characterization.

But then the English dub cut out quite a lot of the deeper, darker stuff so... -_-
Yeah, any anime that is aimed at young kids are rubbish.

And most animes that come on TV in English are ruined. Fortunatley for me I was half way through Naruto before the dubbed version ruined it.

I didn't like FMA.
in my opinion duel masters and Bedaman suck i mean duel masters is the most obvious rip off of that other show Yugioh they steal stuff from tons of other anime on duel masters