What do you like about bleach?

[quote name='insane-azn']Good, cos the manga sucks like hell. Also the anime fillers are just terrible...

Remember the bount one?? (I didn't see it, thank god)[/QUOTE]

:cry2:Lucky you.


The Chosen One
- The characters, The best thing in Bleach.

- The fights are damn good.

- The art is good, But I don't actually care about art much.
[quote name='Xeno']- The characters, The best thing in Bleach.[/QUOTE]

What makes them special from characters from example, like Naruto or OP?

The fights are damn good.

I'd ask which ones, but lemme guess. The Ichigo vs Renji/Byakuya/Kenpachi/Grimm/Ulq ones? A couple are good but for every good ones there are several duds.

The art is good, But I don't actually care about art much.

Do you have faint recollections of Neliel, Orihime, Unohana, Matsumoto or any other woman in the series' special regions when you say "artstyle?"
As a newcomer to Bleach (like within the past month), here's what I like about it so far:

-the art

-certain characters, but not all of them. Some easily fit the tropes of the genre while others are more interesting

-the ongoing sense of intrigue and danger and Ichigo's struggle with his inner hollow

-Aizen's good-evil hairstyle change
I love everything from Bleach. The characters, the story, the drawing, the connection between character, ontop of that is the comedy. Slapstick style but still gave me big laugh :D
The art work in bleach has always been good, i love the style that they have adopted closer to the recent manga chapters, but thats pretty much the only thing i enjoy about bleach at the moment, i only read it out of habit now these days.
Well I like Bleach because it's got a wide range of characters and some of them are pretty decent and interesting. The battles tend to be epic and the villans tend to have an iconic charm about them( Grimjoww, Aizen & Ulquiorra? Anyone?)

Plus Bleach was the first anime that I ever watched (shocking right?) but it was far ahead in the Arrancar Arc. The battles really blew me away and I decided to find out more about it.

The current arc is pretty lame at the momemnt but the latest chapter (Chapter 458) really presented a shocking twist for me so there is new-found hope. Otherwise I will still think Fullbring is lame!


Neko ★ Ninja
Staff member
I like Bleach mainly for the awesome characters in the series. I also like the art style which suffers in most series like One Piece...terrible art. I love Bleach's epic battles and I also like the soundtrack that Shiro Sagisu has put together for the series.
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