The Untitled Story of Untitled Chapters


I'll be writing an Untitled story of Untitled Chapters.

It'll basically be a random story of random things that I can come up with.

-Chapter 1-

The Entitlement of the Untitled

At the beginning of time, the commencement of space, the start of area and the initiation of length, the Universe was a single, blank piece of canvas. However, the canvas was not white, it was filled with black, full of chaos and conflicting energies.

One day, one very fine day, one oh so very fine and nice little day where the weather was nice, not that the weather existed yet, a single being emerged from the energy nexus. This being was just a single black line, yet the line could produce symbols, and these symbols could be read by everyone. The line would flash in and out of existence every second when not producing these symbols. This being was called length.

Next, out of the energy nexus, came a second being, who was made up of four lengths. The ends of the four lengths joined to the next, forming a shape. Then, in the center of the shape, a strange coloration could be seen, indicating that this shape occupied a certain amount of units. This being was called area.

Third came a peculiar little thing. It rolled out of the energy nexus. It could be seen that this being was made out of 6 areas, with the edge of each area touching the edge of the next, forming a polyhedron. This polyhedron occupied units, much more than area could ever have and could ever grasp. Thus, this being was called space.

Lastly, came a single being that enabled the other beings to move around, to age, to grow, to change and to evolve. This being was a mystery to the rest of the other beings, and the only way it could be represented was using twelve markings, three hands, and a wheel. This being was called time.

As it appeared, the four beings were doing nothing at all. With the appearance of length, things could have length. With the appearance of area, things could occupy a certain area on a plane. With the appearance of space, things occupied space and could move up. With the appearance of time, things could evolve with the flow of time. However, there was one grave problem.

There was nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

After a long time of nothingness, the nexus of cosmic energy released a fifth entity. This entity was known as Sentience. Since this entity was so powerful, it absorbed the other four entities unto itself, and has infinite power over time, space, area and length.

With the five beings of energy combined, Sentience gradually came to call itself Author, for it could construct and deconstruct whatever it wanted.

Thus, for several ages, the universe was quiet, and all that was, is, and ever will be, was Author.
That was an interesting exposition on the creation of abstract matters. Well done, Crestham!

A pretty pretentious style of writing, though I'm not really sure if it fits the theme. Some little hiccups with grammar and tense here and there, but all in all a fine piece.

Keep up the good work! ;hello;
I quite liked this piece! Although it seems a little overdone, the subject matter is interestingly portrayed, and there's a subtle humor in the way you write~

It reminds me of those introductory chapters in Terry Pratchett books, the ones with the Great A'Tuin.


-Chapter 2-

If this Chapter was Titled, Doesn't that Make the Title of my Story Wrong?

The Author, as the entity was called, did not spend the ages doing nothing. No, it was doing much, much more than time, space, area and length ever did. In fact, it spent all that time trying to figure out what the energy nexus was, is and could be. The ages spent doing this was not futile, for The Author had managed to decipher the secrets behind this energy nexus.

The energy nexus was made out of septillions (read: a god damn huge amount) of raw, unstable and chaotic energies, wound together into a single ball of energy. At this point in time, there was no universe, or rather,no planes of existence yet, so it would be hard to describe this as 'the center of the universe'. Rather, it can be said to contain the 'power of creation', amongst other things, such as the 'power of destruction'.

Now, it's time for a short little quiz. What do you think The Author did next?

1) Be a bastard and absorb the energy nexus for itself

2) Be an ass and absorb the energy nexus for itself

3) Be a retard and absorb the energy nexus for itself

4) Be a total git and absorb the energy nexus for itself

5) All of the above

If you chose 5), you are correct.

The Author, after managing to decode the secrets of the energy nexus, decided to absorb the energy nexus for itself. After all, the energy nexus had the power to create cherry muffins, so why the hell would it not want to consume the energy nexus? Piece by piece, power by power, the life and light was sucked out of the energy nexus by The Author. The canvas which was already black grew even dimmer as the light emanating from the nexus became lesser and lesser.

At last, the Author had finished it's metaphorical meal, and the canvas no longer had any light left. Darkness echoed everywhere, reverberated in nothingness, and light no longer had a place in this 'universe'.

However, the Author's actions were not without consequence. For from where the nexus once was, came a being who had all the powers that the energy nexus had, and was nearly similar to the Author. This being, known as the Illustrator, was made as a fail-safe to create a balance in the universe, should the energy nexus ever be snuffed out.

The Author, after having his meal, tested it's powers by assuming a corporeal form. The Illustrator, after assuming a corporeal form as well, decided that the Author was a threat to the balance of the 'universe' and thus, attempted to terminate it. The Author dodged the Illustrator's punch by sidestepping, materialized a sword and brought it down upon the Illustrator, who swiftly materialized a shield and brought it up, The Author's sword meeting the Illustrator's shield with a large, sonorous ring.

The Author who had never noticed the Illustrator's presence before, called out mockingly. "My my, how rude, attacking someone you've just only met?"

"I do not have to respond to a failed entity such as you, Author. You are not worth it. Now, please die."

"Heh, it looks like everything's following me wherever I go, even the chicks- WOAH! Watch where you're swinging that!"

The Illustrator had materialized a second shield with a sharp edge in it's other hand and swung it upwards towards the Author. The Author dodged it by pressing the tip of it's sword on the Illustrator's first shield, and vaulted over, avoiding the Illustrator's razor-sharp shield. The Illustrator spun out from under the sword, and turned it's second shield into a spear.

"So you get a shield and a spear? That's pretty unfair, don't you think?" the Author commented lamely, while brandishing a dagger in it's second hand.

"Enough of your nonsense, Author. You are a threat to the balance of this 'universe', and if I do not terminate you right here, this 'universe' will be doomed."

"Oh really now? Did you know that I could do this?"

Suddenly, the Author began to split into two, like an amoeba cell. However, the product that appeared was a new being, a being that had received the power of time from the Author. Many more other beings followed, until the Author had a squad of beings in front of it.

"These little fellas here, do you know what they do?" The Author pointed to the lesser beings, each in turn. "Him over there, controls time. That one over there, is the embodiment of darkness. The third one has the power of destruction. The fourth is a being of flames, which you can see from how his body is burning."

"...So, Author, you want this to be a war? Very well, I will play your stupid little game, and when you fall, you will know the impact of what you have done."

At once, lesser beings of light, creation, space, water and whatever of these lesser gods thing anyone can come up with were summoned, and the battle for the universe began.

It was indeed a bloody page in the history of the universe. Beings were killed left and right, the essence of their powers taken by other beings, further empowering themselves. The Illustrator, seeing all that was happening, could not accept it and thus called out his trump card, the Being of the Fifth Dimension.

The Being of The Fifth Dimension, being a power unknown to the Author, was subject to being consumed by the Author. However, it was too powerful for the Author to consume, and thus, in this long war, the Illustrator ended up in triumph, with the Author pinned down by the Being of the Fifth Dimension.

The Lesser Beings, now known as Gods, made a consensus; they had to sort out the mess that had been created, and many of the Gods had formed different pantheons, each pantheon with it's own ideas on how to fix everything. Finally, the lone God of Creation, Vallium, spoke out, and said, "Let there be a different universe, where every one of the Gods may have a hand in making, each God implementing their own power into this plane. The entity known as 'Author' will be sealed into this universe, and it is the duty of the Gods to make sure his cage is not broken."

The Gods agreed to this, and thus the universe was made.

That, was known as the Age of Beings.

-Chapter 2 END-

Meh, when I was typing this, I pressed backspace while out of the typebox. Lucky me, I went forwards and the text was still there! :3