The Red-Light District~ ♥


Dead is the new alive.

Hey Hey :3

This will be a place where I'll showcase my GFX works in hopes of getting CnC and improving ^.^~

I use PS CS5 and I've been GFX'ing for about a month or two.

(started In January till mid Feb.. didn't GFX until last week when I found time again)

So here are some of my works (from oldest to newest):



*image limit;see next post*



Dead is the new alive.



Latest work:


So, I know that I posted a whole bunch >_< but CnC is very much appreciated <3

*sets cookie jar* :3

Also, as you can see at first I was all in for the flashy typo's and all... >_> I try to avoid typo as much as I can now... It's not something I have much ease with xD.

Those from MF probably have seen pretty much all of these before though~ OTL


None of the stocks/renders, textures, brushes etc. are made by me~



Whoop, whoop, I've got the 1st post. <3

Got to say that you have improved Lily! XD Out of all of them, my faves are the Mythago Set and Dive tag. The effects on them are pretty and blend well. The tags pop out at me, and the typo is good.

I love your icons, they're simple but really cute... Especially the Naruto one, I love the lighting! How'd you get the lighting to be like that? :3

I've CnCed on most of these sets/tag sbefore on MF, so I won't CnC on them again, lol.

Question: Do you use textures? :3

Wow, these all look so pretty! I wish i could add some critical feedback (if you were looking for any) but I have no gfx experience. I really like the icon at the top of the two people kissing and also the girl against the stripey background. All very nice.


Dead is the new alive.
Yaaay~ xD *gives cookie* :3


Yes those are my favourite too~ Especially the mythago set :3

Thanksiies, with that one well... I pretty much used a whole bunc of light textures and some brushes to and set them on soft light~ I cant remember what I exactly did though :C

LOLOL thats okay but I have a question for you.... ehm.. What was your username on MF... Because I couldnt figure it out >_>'

A: Yes, I am a proud texture whore~ >_> mostly because I do not have more experience what other types of effects. I should really brush up my knowledge OTL


Thank you for the compliments :3 You dont really have to be a gfx'er to give some critique though... x]


Cookies! <3 *eats* My user was Spring_ :3

Well whatever you did with that icon was amazing, it looks so pretty. XD

LOL, I don't either.... I only abuse a million textures in all of my works.... I hardly use any brushes... But I'm starting to use gradient maps. If you haven't used them yet, you should, they help make images blend together. :3


Dead is the new alive.
OMG You are Spring!!!! D: < *hugs* I liked CnC ing your work and was dissappointed when you left MF D: OTL

Oh yeaaah Gradient maps <3 I use them on most of the Icons ~ <3 I dont try to use too many brushes though... There is a thin line of okay and zomgwhatdidyoudo?! XD

Speaking of Textures... I need to find new ones ._. Im bored of the ones I have


LOL *huggles* OTL, I suckk at brushes, so I just stick with things I know... which are textures... and more textures. XD

I think I cross that line a lot though. o_O

And more textures? I can give you a list of some of them that I like to use. <3

Click! Most of the textures that I use are from Sanami276 though. The first pic after texture credits begin. <3 I use some more but I didn't add them on the list.... But I'm sure that's enough for now? XD


Dead is the new alive.
Ooooooh~ Thank you very much for that link *A*

Yeah most of mine are also by Sanami276 <3 and others of dA ... *cantrememberwopsies*
Yep. XD Another Sanami276 user! *hifive* LOL. Hmm tbh I don't really use his/her textures anymore... I use some others.... I could send them to you if you want lol, I think most are from DA though, but I might not have all of them listed.... XD


Dead is the new alive.
:3 *high-fives* Well most of the textures I had downloaded back in January~ I have them all in a map (lol 1,75 GB OTL) But I would love to have any new material to work with. So yes sure if you have the links you can send them my way =w=
LOL, ok, I will. XDDD I wanta see moarr of ur workkksss! <333 I'll add it on mediafire or something.... Not sure yet, but I'll send them to you later, cause I have to go. :3


Dead is the new alive.
Oh that's fine~ You can send it to me whenever you would like. And just links will do too~

And if you are interested I have a few links for Icon textures ;D
LILYYYYYYYYYY~ i found your thread so now i'm gonna harrass you 'till you make more stuffs >: }D nah.. but really tho i'm kinda sad there isn't more ;__;


I suck at cnc but i'll give it a shot.. LOL O A O"
I liiiiike the style ~ and how the font sort fits in with it <3 I also like the background it makes it kind of edgy : D i wish you could have blurred it though or something, not sure.. is the girl the focal point or background? Oo

Latest work:

i like this, your current set~ colors blend so well together.. and looks good overall i think <3 *o*

make more please ;w;


Dead is the new alive.

I really shouldnt have left this big of a gap in GFXing, because I seriously had trouble making some simple icons. :/ It's like I completely forgot how to do even the simplest things and it's all my fault!! I havent done anything since my last update :/ So I am just trying to force myself to make an update weekly. How small or short or sucky it is. I do need to improve (TUTORIALZ OMG)

So yeah, here are some of the icons I made (texture whoring still)



Also, Im aware that I've barely done anything but enhance some lighting and played with a gradient maps/textures in these~ :'Ç


Dead is the new alive.
Thank you Pimp :3 And lolol I dont really ' take requests' but sure~

I still neeed lotsa praciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice ;D