

turnabout moderation
usually, but it can have other things on it. if you go to japan you can get horse sushi. i know it sounds bad but it really isnt that bad. wouldnt be my favorite tho.
LOL. Ray, don't you have those Sushi making stuff? The mat, the special dishes, the little dish for the sauce? You know? LOL.

They come with instructions to make sushi.
LOL. What a way to make sushi xDD

I usually don't like making it myself, I'm not a very good cook. LOL. Buying them is easier, but they taste good no matter (=


turnabout moderation
wow, im glad i learned how to make it from my grandma. it isnt all that difficult to make with a little practice. if anything it might be harder to get the rice perfect.
Actually, it's not how I learnt it. It's just 'cause I'm naturally not a good cook. I mean I can't even make popcorn or toast =='


What's your favourite type of sushi?

I like the salmon with avacadi and lots of wasabi (=

I also like the Mushroom one.