Rate the Sig/Ava of the user above you


As topic says no one is above me so someone else has to start

On a scale from a 1-10, give reasons for why you gave that rating, otherwise it is considered spam. :(
Ava-7/10 Coult be better quality I suppose......

Sig- Haha, I made it, but I'll rate it anyways, as if I didn't. 8/10. I guess I could have fixed the text better....dunno.
Ava-7/10 Again, kinda bad quality

Sig-8/10 Not bad for your first, but it's a bit dark. Also, the vector brush kinda doesn't fit the style of the stock/sig. Pretty nice flow though, but try making the text blend more. Perhaps rotate it to fit in with the flow.


I am The Light
avi:9/10 i little to small but who am i to talk am not a GFX person lol


sig2:10/10 i like it alot awesome GFX skills