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The documentary starts out well, touching on some important points such as political correctness favoring minorities. However, it then proceeds to blame other cultures for generic problems. It blames African and Jamaican cultures for violence, and frowns upon Middle Eastern and Indian immigrants (both called "Asian", for some reason) holding beliefs not consistent with Christianity.

It takes a "protect my rights and beliefs" stance over a "protect every-one's rights and beliefs" viewpoint. This can be seen by the producer's apparent belief that you shouldn't have the right to want a toilet facing away from Mecca, or a house that allows you to have a greater-than-usual number of children.

A Democratic or Republican government system will not protect individual rights without some assurance of unalienable rights of all people (like the US Bill or Rights used to be) AND a reasonably armed citizenry.

Educational vouchers or the dissolution of public education would address the inability of schools to teach many subjects in fear of lawsuits or cultural outrage.

Restoration of a British citizen's right to be armed and defend themselves would reduce (not eliminate) almost all crime, especially gang-related crime.

Equal use of law-enforcement regardless of race, religion, or gender would stem cultural violence and reduce religion-based child (and adult) abuse, which, as the video failed to recognize, has been committed by every race, and justified by essentially every religion.
Agreed, but I just don't like the idea of carrying a gun or a weapon around at all, as well as others. That also adds to the idea that people are scared of going to prison anymore either. The crinimal has more rights then the victim and that needs to be changed too. But gang related crime is based around bad parenting and that they think they could live on money given to them by the Government.

I also suggest that you shouldn't be given money unless you have an absolute need for it. If someone really wanted to get a job, then they wouldn't take weeks getting it. It's them uncaring.

I also agree that if we have one main rule over all races, no matter who you are, it would be much better. Or that everyone would be treated the same, after all, all that's different about it is what you believe in really.

But I just that their idea for multiculturalism was a complete flop and has gotten way out of hand. Everyone going to disagree on something, or take an offence completly out of hand, whatever side your on.


I generally don't carry a gun (partially because most people either freak out about guns or think they're toys), but the very fact that anyone could be armed deters many criminals.

I also agree that Government handouts should be drastically reduced, if not eliminated, because they usually create concentrations of unemployed people, and, as a general rule, poor people are more willing to resort to crime.

Equal enforcement of law would likely cause Islamic Supremacists (or any type of supremacist) to try to force their beliefs in other countries.

It is laughable, however, that the UK should let in only people who have "British" ideologies and customs.
I'd rather have something like a paint gun actually, no on me, but if say I was robbed or soemthing. It's completly fine and they hurt a lot.

Sadly, there are a few Islamic Supremacists already here. *rolls eyes* But the majority of the religious group are fine. It's just when they assult you about your countries beliefs when they're a visitor or moved here. It's common manners really.
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