God's Thread


Net Ronin Of All Trades
Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Off beam.

Firstly, note:
Lets start from here:
"And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out)." 
[Al-Qur’an 71:19]
However, the above verse is incomplete,the next verse explains this verse:
"That ye may go about therein, in spacious roads."
[Al-Qur’an 71:20]
Halt, In Surah Taha, a similar/alike message is seen:
"He Who has made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels)...."[Al-Qur’

an 20:53]
Think about it my brother, the deaper layers of the earth are so hot, that it is hostile to any type of life. Therefore, this verse claims that what

enabled you to go about therein safely(without any hostility),by roads(and channels) is a carpet.
Hold on! You can still walk on the roads without a carpet right? So according to you, this is a contradiction. Hm? Hm? But, if we have faith in

this verse and believe in it, while putting our general knowledge into it, we will understand that this "carpet" reffered in the verse is none

other than the crust.
The crust is like a carpet, which enables us to go out therein,by roads.
In our world, carpets are usually spreaded on surfaces where we find it uncomfortable to work on. The Qur’an describes the earth crust as a

carpet, without which human beings would not be able to survive due of the hot environment beneath it.
Anyway,you might be wondering why didn't the verse put the word "crust"instead of making it complicated by putting the word "carpet".
The situation is simillar to the previous one(Al Samaa),at that time,the word crust was not known, and the best way to describe it was the

word carpet.
Fuzzy or vague(not really,IDK how it is so), that's what the logic behind the Quran is. They are not to be taken out of context.
On the second thought, you probably came to the conclusion that the verse claims that the Earth is flat because carpets can only be spreaded

on a flat surface. - No, it can still be spreaded on a sphere as well.(ie, by covering a model of the Earth's globe, covering it with a carpet).
"And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: how excellently We do spread out!"
[Al-Qur’an 51:48]
"Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse"
"And the mountains as pegs?"
[Al-Qur’an 78:6-7]
These verses does not indicate that the Earth is flat, rather, it is spaciuse.

Specifically Implide by this verse:
"O My servants who believe! truly. spacious is My Earth: therefore serve ye Me –(And Me alone)!"
[Al-Qur’an 29:56]
Furthermore, this verse makes it clear that the Qur'an did not claim that the Earth is flat:

وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَ?لِكَ دَحَاهَا
And the Earth after that He DAHA it.
Naziat 79:30
This is the general meaning:

دفعه و رمى به
(dafa'aahu wa ramaa bih) = Caused it to Move, pushed it, Rolled, or Threw it.

دُحُورًا? وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ وَاصِبٌ-
[the Jinn who spy in the heavens are]Repulsed [Dahoowra], and for them is a constant/painful punishment. [Saffat 37:9]
دحا الصبي المِدحاةَََ أي دفع الصبي المِدحاةَََ
Daha [rolled] the boy the rolling toy- meansthe boy pushed the rolling toy.

دحرجَ (dahraja)
To roll, roll along, to roll down.

In Surah Inshiqaq - ayah 84:6 - the word kaDHan كَدح ('advancing towards' your Master) comes from the word Dahaa = to Move towards


This word below is a synonym to the word Dahaa:
Qirasah (Round)
In the hadith of Abi Rafiaa':
و في حديث أبي رافع:كنت أُلاعب الحسن و الحسين,رضوان الله عليهما,بالمداحي,هي احجار أمثال القِرصة
"I used to play with Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein, may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, with AL-MADAAHI, which means STONES 

that look like AL-QIRASAH."
So what does Al-Qirasah mean?
According to Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1], Book 4, Page 516:

القِرصة(al-qirasah): قرِّصي العجين أي سوِّيهقِرصة- Cut the dough into small round pieces.
القِرصة(al-qirasah): قرص الشمس اي عينها  - The qurs of the sun means the eye of the sun, which is round.
2nd Meaning:

Dahaa = Round and Spherical:

The following statements are phrases which have been used in our Islamic history from many centuries ago:

إندحَّ بطنه إندحاحاّ اي إتّسع
His tummy became round and bigger.
In Prophet Muhammad's Hadith:
كان لأسامة بطننٌ مُندحٌ اي متسع
Osama had a round and big tummy.

و بطنٌ مُنداحُ أي خارخٌ مُدوّر
His tummy is mun-daahun means it is OUT THERE AND ROUND مُدوّر.

و رجلٌّ دحدحُ اي قصير غليظ البطن
A man is dahda-hun which means he is short, stocky and has a big and fat tummy.

الدحداح هو المستدير الململم
The dahdaah is the person who is ROUND and STOCKY.

الدِردِحة من النساء التي طولها و عرضها سواء
Al-dir-dihati from the women is the one whose height and width look the same! SHE LOOKS ROUND, and the by the way, the distance

between the earth's north and south poles is approximately only 45 miles shorter than the earth's width.

Ustadh (Teacher) Nouman Ali Khan says about this ayah in his Tafseer(35 minutes [Nazi'at part B]);

The word;
The egg of an Ostrich.

The place where the ostrich lays its egg.

So some have said that because there is an implication of Daha being something similar (like an ostrich's egg) and Allah has used this word - it

is possible that it has this implication in it. And Allah knows best.

[then he begins to explain the other meaning of Daha... (mentioned in point 3)]

In his book, The Qur'ân and the Orientalists, Dr. Muhammad Mohar Ali, former Professor of the History of Islam at the Islamic University of

Madinah and Al-Imâm University in Riyadh, provides an extensive and detailed discussion on the Qur'anic view of the earth. Here is a

relevant excerpt:
Now, the very first expression in the series, dahâhâ, is noticeably distinctive and different in genre from the rest. Watt, following many other

previous translators, renders it as "spread out". But the exact and correct meaning of the term, keeping in view its root, rather provides a

very positive Qur'anic evidence in support of the spherical shape of the earth. For dahâ means to "shape like an egg", its noun being dahiyah,

which the Arabs still use to mean an egg. [2]

3rd meaning:

- Expanse
- Evened
- Balanced
- Equalled.
- Levelled.

دحا  (daha): دحّفي الثّرى بيتاً إذا وسعه
He expandedthe house.

دحى (daha):  الدُّحُحْ(al-duhuh)
Plural of دحى - daha, which means: الارضون الممتدّة expandedearths.

دحا  (daha): مدحوحاّأي مُسوّى - maDhoohaa
Similar in meaning to; muSawwa = evened, balanced, equaled, leveled.

4th meaning:

Dihya = Best, extremely powerful, and exalted.

دحا  (daha):  الدّواح أي العظيم الشديد العلو  al-dawwah
Something that is great, extremely powerful, and exalted.

دحا  (daha):  الدِّحْية هو رئيس الجُند,و به سمِّي دِحية الكلبي
Al-dihyais the leader of the soldiers, and from this was namedDihya Al-Kalbay, [who was one of Prophet Muhammad's close Companions.]

الدِّحْية هو رئيس القوم و سيدهم
Al-dihyaisthe chief of the tribe or the group and the BEST AMONG THEM و سيدهم.

Planet earth is indeed the best planet in our Solar System. It is the only planet that has water, life and Paradise-like Scenic Views.

Definitions of Daha - according to:

1.  Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 2, Pages 215-218.
2.  Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 8, Pages 236-238.
3.  Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1179.
4.  Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Pages 272-274.
5.  Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 537.
6.  Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page 273

From this we could conclude that the Earth is round,compressed(dahda and dahdaah),balanced,even(mad-hooha ( مدحوحا)),round,spherical

(qurs and indahhat, dihdaaha),the Earth is the best amongst it's group(dihya)and the Earth is a moving object that was pushed or thrown by


What's even more interesting is, all these conclusions were covered in one word DAHA.
وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَ?لِكَ دَحَاهَا
And the Earth after that He made round/balanced/made best/exaltedit.
-Naziat 79:30
There was no choosing game going on there, therefore, this is another, miracle(IMO), doesn't matter whether it's scientific or not, the

perfection in the verse was seen.
Therefore, the Earth is Daha:
=======LOOOOL! Me - (ME ALONE OR I KILL YOU) Whatever those means, man. This is still not a "miracle of Quran" because there

were philosophers that have postulated that Earth is indeed round, and this even before there was a guy named Jesus.

But here is the dilemma. Earth is not spherical. Earth is an oblate spheroid. The poles are compressed and are almost flat, like a Mandarin orange fruit.

God could have just said Earth is like a Mandarin Fruit and be with it. But no, he have to be all poetic for us to understand. Told you, didn't I? God is a shitty teacher.


Net Ronin Of All Trades
Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Yes. Yes. What?

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
But I asked you to tell them that it was so easy. I mean, they wasted their whole life on this(in a sense).
Who cares about them.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Without any tools or anything like that?(sorry for my limited knowledge)
What was this for, again?

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Wishful thinking.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Note the word “if”.
Or let me rephrase it:
God is not created, he is timeless. This however logically fits. A universe going back infinitly in time, defies logic

especially when considering entropy. A god which is time-less on the other hand (meaning not inside of the dimension of time) does not defy

====God is not created, god is timeless, and god is a 4 dimensional abstract quantum energy. If that's what God is, then fine by me. But so far, there is nothing that indicates that this being exist -- According to Carl Sagan, that kind of being could exist -- like the Monolith in 2001: Space Odyssey. Some dude making up poetical babble using some scientific theories of that time he found and put it up and mash it, and voila, a perfect book to make people comply. Allah Akbar.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Where do you reside from my brother? From where I come from, no one really forced me nor was I forced.
=====Where I reside was a battle field between Persians and Muslims.

No one forced you? So, your parents were bad Muslims, if they were(are) Muslims.
Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Furthermore, more than 50% the people from our country are atheistic, they merely thinks about Allah, yet our country is to be 100% muslims only.
I couldn't parse this.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
No one can force anyone saying that the Quran said so(IMO).
They can only do so in their own opinion which is demotivated by the Quran.
You will need to fight these "Muslims" using the Quran itself.
There are many verses which demotivate violence in Islam.
For example:
2:256 :There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil 

and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.

2:62 :Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians and whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does 

righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve”

29:46: Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) except in the nicest possible manner - unless they 

transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is one and the same; 

to Him we are submitters." 

3:84: Say: we believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il: Isaac, Jacob and The Tribes, 

and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another, among them, 

and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)." 

16:125 : You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner. 

Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones

49:13 O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one 

another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant. 

2.190. Fight against those who fight against you in the way of God, but do not transgress, for God does not love transgressors.
These are just a few, my brother.
Also, please take a look at this website:
It's good thing that there are few Quranic verses that advocates peace. But the rest of Quran is about killing the infidels and Pagans -- mind, you the Infedels are also the people of the book; they are also called the people of "Zim" دم. You call Islam peaceful? Give me a break, hombre. They are the one who impose taxation if a person is not a Muslim. They allow slavery. Yet, you claim its peaceful? And lowered Women's status to slaves. You joke, right?

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
We call him Allah because it is one of His unique attributes-as it roughly means only one.(We only know him by his attributes).
You can call Him the Eternal or the Most Beneficent, the Creator etc. Allah Ta'ala tells us that all good names belong to Him. Therefore, we should call Him by something which illustrates one of His unique Attributes, which are found in the scripture.
Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. [112:1-4 - interpretation of the meaning]
True of what you have said. After a good discussion between an Arab scholar, the truth behind the word Allah is actually it's a portmanteau of

Ilah(God - Male) and Aleh(God, not defined gender). Showing how Muhammad cannot give a meaningless name to God that's not an attribute, so he have to come up with something that makes sense, right?

You forget that there are some funny attributes. Al-Jabbar, Al-Mutakaber, Al-Kahar: attributes that are only given to the most egotistical narcissist.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Good for health physically and mentally, as it is a form of exercise.
Furthermore,you can even pray just with the movement of your eye, that's the latter though, the first one was the recommended one.
It's not good for health. Jogging around, skipping and curling weights is for health. Mentally? Do like those Yoga people, you are allowed to fart. In Islam, if you fart while praying, you have to do wudu and praying all over again. Why? If you don't, you burn in hell-fire. Thanks, that's better.

Movement of my eye. Wow, god is merciful. Even after getting paralysed, you can pray with your eye lids. That's one funny god.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Mind altering substance and bad for your health.
Yeah, so? Mind Altering substances is the best of things the Oh Allah ever made, you know. Makes me wonder why they are made in the first place.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Then the people are to be blamed, not the religion.
Oh, no. It's the religion.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
What steps did you take during the time when you made these Du'as?
If it did not happen, that means that Allah had planned something better for you instead.
We all have to be patient.
Allah does not exist to fullfill them to begin with.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Please forgive me, that never was my intention, I just stopped by to share the reason why I voted, my intention never was to inject my beliefs into anyones blood nor to joke at someone else's belief.
Anyway,if that’s how it is, I think it's best if we stop now.
Whatever suits your monkey. And LOL Inject in blood. Y u no no englesh?

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
Thank you my brother.
May Allah show you the right path.
You see my brother, some muslims may show anger/or refuse when their friends or brothers, convert into another religion , but that’s not because of anything else,but because of the love, we wouldn't want you in hell(at least that’s how it is for me, IDK about these Jihads(I didn't even bother to check what they are about either.
May devil show you the wrong path. Oh, right. There is no a Devil dude. Oh, why is there hell in the first place? Punish us because we don't believe in a God that cannot show its face? Oh wait, he can! But wait, he cannot, we all burn in the process! BUT WAIT, I THOUGHT HE IS OMNIPOTENT! But no. We have to believe the word of an old goat merchant. Thank you, but no.

Billion-Degree Dragon said:
I only came here just to drop the reason why I believed in Islam, not to convert anyone.
Anyway, I hope that you would have a good life in this world, even more than the muslims.
All the best.
Funny reasons to believe in Islam. My dear, use logic -- do research, don't succumb to these fables, you are smarter than this. And I hope you have a good life, too, my brother.


Net Ronin Of All Trades
Shiz. I love how Christians throw in the Laminin as their trump card and final resort argument. But I am happy that it is not as well constructed as the Islamic "miracle Quran" arguments.

“He [Christ] is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17,

And there are of course people like Louie Giglio who will make it very dramatic. But let us take closely at some of things thrown out here.

Laminin. Sure it's the protein that hold us together, and it's skeletal, remember, the skeletal structure looks like a Cross--not just any cross, but the JESUS! Cross. Why not? There are many things that looks like a cross. Now, if anything that looks a cross is automatically Jesus? Some logic that is. See, if your poop becomes a cross, remember kids, its Jesus(who loves to look at you naked, pooping). Of course there is the issue of that verse, and I will come to it later.

Laminin in its diagrammatical form. Laminin in its real microscopic form.

Caduceus(the medicine symbol) which looks like the laminin more than the Cross

The Cross. First and foremost. The Cross, like many other Christian Customs, were actually plagiarised from Paganism, and they made it a symbol of Christianity(of course a homage to our "saviour" Jesus Christ"). We have the Christmas customs, the Easter customs -- they are all Pagan if I remember right. And the Cross is actually a Pagan torture device, no doubt. And Laminin was with us since the dawn of the time. So, is it as sign from a Pagan God of somekind? Maybe.

The verse. Well, you know if you look at the verse, it clearly says "God is the container" than anything else. And in him holds everything. If you think it carefully, you can see this is another one of those poetic babble about God being something microcosmic. And obviously, this does not imply the specific protein. But oh well, let the Christians rejoice with their discovery of the "Cross" shaped protein. But it is a shameful tactic to use it in a debate of any kind. And it is definitely not a proof or evidence of anything.


Emmie was here
Shiz. I love how Christians throw in the Laminin as their trump card and final resort argument. But I am happy that it is not as well constructed as the Islamic "miracle Quran" arguments.

“He [Christ] is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17,

And there are of course people like Louie Giglio who will make it very dramatic. But let us take closely at some of things thrown out here.

Laminin. Sure it's the protein that hold us together, and it's skeletal, remember, the skeletal structure looks like a Cross--not just any cross, but the JESUS! Cross. Why not? There are many things that looks like a cross. Now, if anything that looks a cross is automatically Jesus? Some logic that is. See, if your poop becomes a cross, remember kids, its Jesus(who loves to look at you naked, pooping). Of course there is the issue of that verse, and I will come to it later.

Laminin in its diagrammatical form. Laminin in its real microscopic form.

Caduceus(the medicine symbol) which looks like the laminin more than the Cross

The Cross. First and foremost. The Cross, like many other Christian Customs, were actually plagiarised from Paganism, and they made it a symbol of Christianity(of course a homage to our "saviour" Jesus Christ"). We have the Christmas customs, the Easter customs -- they are all Pagan if I remember right. And the Cross is actually a Pagan torture device, no doubt. And Laminin was with us since the dawn of the time. So, is it as sign from a Pagan God of somekind? Maybe.

The verse. Well, you know if you look at the verse, it clearly says "God is the container" than anything else. And in him holds everything. If you think it carefully, you can see this is another one of those poetic babble about God being something microcosmic. And obviously, this does not imply the specific protein. But oh well, let the Christians rejoice with their discovery of the "Cross" shaped protein. But it is a shameful tactic to use it in a debate of any kind. And it is definitely not a proof or evidence of anything.
I have no idea what you're talking about or who this is directed at.
Ok, so youre not a true Muslim?
Not so sure about what your point is but my point is that you don't have to be perfect to be a true muslim. Have you heard of anything called "Thauba"?

So what youre essentially saying is, that you dont listen to what others say a text means, you just accept what you think it means. So, you were reading the Quran one day, came across a text and was like 'Hey, that must mean that the whole universe is expanding!' Hmm, right, but okay. Thats your interpretation of the text, and you assume yours to be true because of what? There are dozens of other people who read the text and think it means something different. That means that either they are all wrong, and you are right, or that you are wrong and someone else is right. But you have no way to be certain you are right and others a wrong. No confirmation from above that you hit the correct answer and everybody who thinks something else doesnt.

So based on what you said here:

You could be wrong and you wouldnt even know it. In fact, its more likely then not that you dont understand them, because you are sinful. You were arrogant to suggest you truly understand the meaning of the Quran and others were not, and you were arrogant to try and use a holy text, the revelations of God himself as a way to win a petty argument on the internet. Im sure the Quran says somewhere you shouldnt be arrogant, which means, you have unwittingly disregarded your Lord's revelations. Making you blind and deaf for the true meaning of the Quran.

And since we can say that its highly likely that you dont even understand the real meaning of the Quran and its texts, it would make any text you use to prove a point, meaningless as it probably doesnt mean what you think it means.

And on top of that, it would be pointless as all the non believers here cant be guided, persuaded or made see the true meanings of your texts anyways. For them, it would be meaningless gibberish or highly suggestive and interpretable texts containing nothing of value for them.
We refer to the scholars of tafseer [quran explanation], who can use the different usools' [foundations] of tafseer to come to their best understanding.

This includes the usools of;

-arabic language
-commentary by earlier scholars
-commentary from ahadeeth

And there are other sources.

The scholars are always continuously trying to reach higher and true understandings of the Quranic texts.

We are obliged to follow them as laypeople. Just like all laypeople are expected to follow the knowledgable of society in understandings of matters of expertise. I.e. laypeople follow scientists understandings of science. The same is in laypeople following the people of knowledge in Islam.

@Biomega, I will read your post later when I come back from work.


Visions of Hell
We refer to the scholars of tafseer [quran explanation], who can use the different usools' [foundations] of tafseer to come to their best understanding.

This includes the usools of;

-arabic language
-commentary by earlier scholars
-commentary from ahadeeth

And there are other sources.

The scholars are always continuously trying to reach higher and true understandings of the Quranic texts.

We are obliged to follow them as laypeople. Just like all laypeople are expected to follow the knowledgable of society in understandings of matters of expertise. I.e. laypeople follow scientists understandings of science. The same is in laypeople following the people of knowledge in Islam.
And they could easily all be very very wrong.

The difference between understanding a book, no wait, understanding the intentions of an all powerful and all knowing being based on the cryptic writings in an old book is different and an actual natural science, is that every fact has been established by years of diligent experimentation with direct feedback.

Scholars base themselves on other scholars who have based themselves on more scholars, etc until the Quran was first written and the first scholars appeared. All these scholars had their view on the meaning of certain verses in the Quran, but there is no way to know for them if they were right. Its not that if they are wrong, they are struck by lightning that very moment now is there? There is no feedback until they die where they might get told they were right or wrong. And if they are wrong? Well, they cant change that anymore, while back on earth other scholars use the wrong scholars work when working on their own understanding of the Quran. Wait for a few centuries and you might get huge errors in peoples interpretation of the Quran.

But, you wont know until you die.


But, you wont know until you die.

I think thats the point of religion in the first place :p Since they dont actually ANSWER any questions :D Instead you get a list of things that a book says, you interpret them in a certain way and voila you have rules and guidelines...

If i did this with a book like: Harry Potter
The guidelines would be: Break all rules, Ignore all advice, Kill all snakes and snake lookalikes and perpetually wave my wang around.

I think people should pick whatever eases their minds on the subject, if your mind requires easement on the matter, and move on.