Feedback: I'm appalled~


→Donut Vampire
Hello and greetings~

I shall get straight to my point. This lady is wondering, why do we have a tag/icon of the week in the graphical friends section yet we haven't hold anything. It remains empty. I know we lack people who are interested in this stuff, in short we have very few enthusiastic graphics artists but it is a good idea to facilitate even if we have that certain shortcomings. It might be possible through those contests we may open up new talents. After all, being an artists is all about interest.

Your lady,

I've already told people that SoTW and WoTF will begin this Saturday. We can't do it earlier because the Soul Mods and I have to finalize rules and post an announcement. We hope you understand and we appreciate your patience on this.
By the way, the Death Puzzles RP is up, for anyone to start using the Role Player's Section that, by Saturday will be at its climax with the new rules added