Bleach FC

bunto though people do not like it for not being in manga does do one thing if you notice in the manga it kind of just jumps well the anime could not do that it would catch up far to soon so what they did to fill in the gaps was the bunto arc so though it was not in manga it was apart of the overall story to bleach.

Oh and this one seems to be mostly about the SS this filler thought I think putting an arc in an arc is stupid as come it will help the anime not catch up so soon.

Oh and it should be ending some time in june.


turnabout moderation
well, it has officially begun and i have to say the new captain is a rather interesting character, pus it looks like well be seeing a lot of kira.
well the first episode was to show him off it will go back to ichigo and kind of in a small way be switching up.

Oh and to correct myself on a mistake this arc will probably be ending late june or latter july.
Think of this is the caption who he says he is or is he someone else don't you think some stuff was suspicious he happened to just get drunk and right in the nick of time save every one then imideatly be drunk again
Here is a basic run throw more talking more talking then we actually get to see some action will not say who but the 9th caption (not tousen) goes and sees a hallow attacking kids this 9th caption comes in and kills the hallow all of the sudden the hallow blows up (kind of like ATHF explosion lol) and in the end you see 10 shinigami uniforms who you think belonged to members of the 9th divison who went out before the 9th caption(vizard today) his people and his rude vice caption(Vizard today) who he almost hurts.

Oh and you get to see the 9th captions shikai.

That is it in a nutshell not giving away some names cause I think its for the best if you read it yourself.
well the 9th squad captain is kensei vc is mashiro just saw chapter on youtube someone got it out early but itll prob be removed soon
btw random its captain not caption
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