がくせい(学生) v.s. だいがくせい (大学生)


The colorless notice =.=
Okayy..this is for all those who have Japanese Classes or Dictionaries that give out

学生 (gakusei) - College Student

大学生 (daigakusei) - College Student

学生 , can refer to any type of student. Be it elementary , junior high , senior high or college etc

On the other hand , 大学生 , daigakusei , which literally means big sschool student , only refers to college students

Different type of students:

小学生 (しょうがくせい) -Elementary School Student

中学生 (ちゅうがくせい) - Junior High School Student

高校生 (こうこうせい) - Senior High School Student

大学生 (だいがくせい) - College Student