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  1. F

    Epic Fail

    We've all seen it before. Hollywood pissing in the soup. So, what anime/mangas turned into RL movies disappointed you the most?
  2. F

    In All Proability...

    From the mundane to the wild to the wierd. List any and all random probabilities that come to your mind. Like... In all probability... tomorrow I will be abducted by Aliens while bathing in the garden. ;omg;
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    DB Goku Vs. Naruto

    No specific rules here. All I ask is that you provide valid explanations as to why you believe one or the other would pwn their opponent. Manga explanations have slight advantage over anime related ones. (Manga is cannon, anime is filler.) 'Because I said so' is fucking stupid and will not be...
  4. F

    What is the significance of the Hogyogu?

    A fine piece of jewelry which cause a fuck-ton of problems for Ichigo and company. Now that Aizen's gone, so is the Hokyogu. (Right? RIGHT?) My question is, what is the symbolic significance of the Hokyogu? Any interpretation you come up with, list here. RL, Bleach's world, fucking Hueco Mundo...
  5. F

    Bleach: The Movie?!

    Hey guys, I heard WB's picked up rights to make a live-action Bleach Movie! Anyone else hear of this? I hope they don't fuck it up. ;gun;