Denuo Prince

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  • well you ask for help and provide the stock for it(a link to the pick you want altered) Then you tell them how you would like it to come out and If you trust them enough you can leave it all up to them or you can ask to have things altered to better fit the image in your head.
    Trial and Error....Keep fucking things up till you cant fuck it up anymore and you can only move up from there.
    Are you on any other forums besides this one...Or do you keep in contact with those from MF other ways outside of the VM/PM ways then tell them about this sight and how its still young so it will be shaped how we shaped it instead of the corrupt way MF does things. If you get banned here that means you did something real stupid.
    that is why in the long run you should collect the data on them. Never stay down long and never take fellow members with you. But it doesn't hurt to have insurance just in case they try to betray you.
    that's how people are...But the only thing you can do it wait out your sentence...Help bring this place more people...Then when time it up go back with your new rep but come back stronger!
    lol you just got CJ2k'd .... You see he was a troll that tried to keep coming back by switching up IP addresses. But he was stupid and never changed much how he picked his names...... On your end i suspect you used one IP for multiple accounts. Once they find 2 they will look deeper.
    btw running 2 accounts they always find out they have people who look out for that all the time.
    I would say relatively well.

    I haven't been on either MT or MF much the last week or so. I actually have been taking a break from the forums, I get more stressed out from them than I do from work. You should do the same now and again puts your mind at ease. I can't guarantee I will be that active for the rest of this week or next, but you should see me about a little bit more.

    Now that that is out of the way, how have you been anime-san?
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