Anime Blend

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Join Anime Blend Forums today. Click on the link above to join.
We have fellow members of BE, TNF, NM and lots more.

We don't only talk about Anime, we have an Arcade, GFX section, Art section, Music Usergroup, Spam, Computers/Technology and so much more.

Our motto is Get Blended. That's right, we have mixes of Anime from Clannad to Naruto. Talk about all the latest Anime here!

We also have Media downloads for Anime and starting up Manga.
Thanks to Caboose for the direct downloads! =D

Enjoy your comfort of Anime lovers everywhere in your very own home infront of the computer at Anime Blend.

We have 3 nice Admins, Kyo (also known as Drocr), TwizztiD and ArchAngel1024. We have a friendly staff and willing to help n00bs out there.

We are currently getting the Main Site up so please do not ask much of it just yet. Though we are open for suggestions! =D

So close the other windows you have open and come join Anime Blend Forums!

Please remember to put my name "Yomi" on the registration form as a referrer ^^

Hope to see you there!! And remember, Get Blended! xD
~ Anime Blend Forums Super Mod, Yomi.


I met all the great people well most at AB

Choochi was at NF
Spirit was at BE
Shiro was at BR
Aznchan at Bemp
Fishy chan Bemp
Gnome AB
Vulgar AB
Yomi AB

The only problem I have with it is that there are too few people that actually regularly post about anime. The majority of the congregation just hangs around in the general or GFX area. :(

But still, Kyo is a nice admin and it's where I met Ray and Vulgarhythm.(Well, I slightly knew Vulga from another forum already but we never actually conversed until we met on AB.)


Well Im sorry Ill try to get active x.x since I have a broken arm and

Destined For War
Then RL

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