A Kiss... Cheating or Not?


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I recently had a discussion with one of my friends about a situation that he's in. He has been talking to this girl who is in a relationship and wants to be with him. He asked me if he should pursue this girl and I told him to put himself in the shoes of her bf and then ask that question again. At this point we got on the topic of cheating and what actions fall into that category. We both ended up agreeing that any sexual contact would be considered cheating. What we didn't fully agree on was that kiss is/isn't cheating. He doesn't think that it is because there is no harm in it. I said that's true to an extent. I personally think it depends on how the people fell about one another. In his situation, it would be due to how the girl feels about him. Though, I have friends that I could kiss and not have it mean anything. I would like to here your opinions about this. Thanks.
I think kissing another when your in a relationship is absolutely cheating unless your partner knows about it and is ok with it, if you have to go behind their back to do it then it is cheating.

Just because it doesn't mean anything to you doesn't mean it won't mean something to your partner and if it does and hurts that person then it does do harm.
It isn't nessecerily the action that makes something cheating. It's the person's intentions behind it that makes what they are doing betrayal.

I may not be able to give you or your friend any relationship advice but I do indeed think that a kiss can be just as bad as sex if you are already in a relationship with someone else.

Though there are some situations where a kiss on the cheek between close friends is acceptable. It's as a said before, it depends on the person's real intentions and motives behind the kiss.

And mind you this is all coming from a 15 year old, so you may not want to take my own personal opinion to heart as I have never been in a relationship of my own.
as harmless as a kiss is, i believe it is indeed cheating. if one feels bad afterward and has the courage to confess it to the partner, is something that i admire, though usually the relationship is over.
If a kiss isn't cheating then is making out and if that isn't cheating how could sex be cheating as well.

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend it would bother you if they said I kissed this other person today or if your wife or husband said I kissed this other person.

To me it's all cheating, you kissed them for a reason...hell to me even if your partner is talking about doing stuff with another person behind your back it's cheating.

Shinji Ikari

Pilot Evangelion unit-1
I could give you guyz n gals stories for hours about this.......

the long and short of it is......
Kiss on the cheek .. the friendly how ya been kiss. perfectly ok.
Anything else is basically cheating UNLESS you are just DATING!! .
In a relationship is taboo. But if you both are just dating people and seeing what develops, there is no cheating unless your lying to hide something.. but that's a whole nother' issue
Any of you guys that are in a relationship , and don't think it's cheating, send your girls my way for a little lip-lok and when your stomach is in knots thinking about it, you'll know what the deal is.


Streetwear Is Dead
Imo, For Me, A Kiss Actually Means Something.

When You Just Have Sex, It's Like Ok, We're Fuck Buddies.

But When You Kiss Someone, Most Of The Time, It Actually Shows Affection For One Another.

They're Both A Form Of Cheating, But Depending On How You Look At It, A Kiss Could Be A Worse Form Of Cheating.


Who says a kiss is harmless?
Most females find a kiss to be more meaningful than having sex with a dude; you can't get any closer than slopping up someone's tongue and breathing the same stank breath.

I'd be pretty mad. But I also get really jealous about those kind of things anyway. :confused:


Ground XVI
Well the word cheating is defined as "Informal To be sexually unfaithful: cheat on a spouse." - dictionary.com, now what we all as in a person call cheating is different because we all have different beliefs. I personally think if its a one time kiss then no its not really cheating but if your doing more often then yea you can consider it cheating

hmmm... Well for the sake of your friends situation i would tell him watch out, if he doesn't know the boyfriend then hell, "all is fair in love and war " but the thing is that i don't understand is she not happy with the other person?? does she really need to go to him? does he really know if she isn't going to do the same to him once their together?


Random Guy #3
If your partner kisses someone else on the lips then he/she has cheated on you. And if you don't feel that way then... idk. You're in denial or something haha.
one of your females??? as in plural???
isnt that unfair? LOL

if i saw him liplockd with anothur gurl im gonna punch his mouth!!! but, whe... its better than seeing him kissing a guy.
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