League of Legends


Trolling coop vs AI is the most fun thing ever.

Yesterday four of us went to coop vs AI, met a guy who instalocked Garen.

He built zeal, last whisper and was going for a I don't know what next. I tried to gank shen on bottom with him, but he didn't react and I died.

Not that I cared. The four of us were just feeding annie mid like fuck and whacking the turret till it died, and garen hadn't even touched bottom turret. Then we started to ping garen like crazy, calling him a fail ganker and noob, then we ping the turrets and talk about how he hasn't broken bottom turret while we've already broken mid.

He got kinda pissed and challenged us to a 4v4 which we accepted. Later, after the game ended, I checked his match history and saw that he only played coop vs AI.

Oh, we won btw. We just all-mid our way into purple base and broke their nexus. Garen was just stoning in base while we trolled him over his uselessness.


Get some beer.

Somewhere said:
If you die, Drink. If you lose a tower, everyone on your team drinks If you lose an inhibitor, everyone on your team drinks 3x. If you lose finish your drink. If you get aced, everyone on that team takes a shot. Just reverse rules if you want the winning people to drink.


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
I just had a game with a Fiddle who thought he knows everything.. He was fed but his deaths didn't help. I think it was around 19/10/11 or something but this guy kept complaining about almost everything. He expects us to get the turret while the opposite team is ganking us. -__-


Pistis Sophia
Rawr, whenever someone gets lots of kills, they think they have the right to flame everyone else. It's annoying when the team loses because they are so cocky that they don't feel about the team.


U all should post your LoL usernames so kiyo can add you~ : D


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
[MENTION=119]Faux Angel[/MENTION]

Mine is MorningMess o: I basically only use Cait but I can play an alright support Alistar. Also don't mind my score >> These past few days on LoL haven't been great..


[MENTION=1890]Hamuko[/MENTION] well im only level 10 lol so yeah... im sure ur loads better than me anyways ... nd so far i only seem to be able to use kennen right... tho i just bought some more champs i wanna try out


[MENTION=119]Faux Angel[/MENTION] My summoner name is Crestham, don't bother adding me though because I play on SEA server. I hate Garena. QQ

I basically only use Cait
I used to play Cait a lot. I realised I couldn't rely on my Cait skills only to carry solo queue games full of herpes, so I picked up a tank, Leona. Then I earned enough money to buy Irelia, who I currently main. What do you build cait with?


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
[MENTION=50]Crestham[/MENTION] I like to build Greives, Vempiric Septor, Meki(I get rid of it mid to late game. It depends if my team sucks or not), Phantom, Infinity Edge, Blackcliever or Bloodthirster then maybe a Last Whisper if their tank is fed

And yeah Cait can't do so well if you're solo queuing unless you're team knows what they're doing.
I wanted to try Leona but meh.. Never got around to buying her and using her more often.

I'm really excited for Riven since I can use the same runes but replace my Seals

[MENTION=2]Emeralda[/MENTION] But Eve is fking dangerous when fed


[MENTION=1890]Hamuko[/MENTION] Ah I see, that's about the standard AD Carry build. I used to use that build, but you might want to try this build, it's worked wonders for me ever since I switched over.

Start with a longsword+pots, get boots 1, build it into a phage. Get greaves/MT, build a zeal. Get a black cleaver and then complete your frozen mallet and phantom dancer. It makes you much less squishy, and you get more damage. Full build would be to add a bloodthirster followed by Infinity edge. I have never believed in last whisper unless the enemy is really stacking dat armor.

As for Riven, I might consider skipping her as I have Irelia already xD but I heard Irelia was getting her true damage W nerfed to magic damage. At first I heard it was her passive, but it's actually her W. It's really gonna deal a huge blow to Irelia, so I'm really sad. And she's not even THAT OP. Her early game is really, really weak. It's only because people let her farm herself up, that's why she snowballs very hard. But honestly, if you let any champion farm in one lane for like 30 minutes, something which Irelia is good at doing, it's not exactly the wisest thing to do is it?

I'm ranting xD


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
Yeah that is true! I've seen most Irelia's make an impact mid-late game. Every now and then a first blood.

But I will try that Cait build! The Frozen Mallet and Phantom is a good combo but I don't know about the Phage. I like to be fast early game then build damage for fast strong kills late game to carry.


Eh, my build really actually suits my playstyle. I like to sit in one lane for about 20 minutes farming with just a longsword. I ignore all teamfights and just sit in that lane farming and zoning and farming and doing general warding shit with the cupcake traps. It's really funny how one time I kept putting traps in the bush and that Garen, he kept running into that same bush and getting trapped again and again.

The Phage makes you less squishy early on, I usually farm enough for a beserker's greaves and a phage on my first recall, so my attack speed isn't compromised. I also get lucky with it everytime I'm chasing down an enemy champion, they always get slowed.